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Can you put maiden name on diploma?

Can you put maiden name on diploma?

Yes, of course, there is no requirement that you take your husband’s name but even if you do, you don’t have to change it in your diploma. All you need to show that it is your diploma is a copy of your marriage certificate…

How do I change my name on my college diploma?

Inform the registrar’s office that you have changed your name and require a new issue of your diploma. You will either be required to fax in all the documents or bring them in person. If you are bringing the documents in person, ask for a specific time when you should come in and a contact person to meet with.

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What is the difference between a diploma and a name change?

When you graduated, your diploma reflects your legal name then. Your Name Change Document reflects your transition from your former legal name to your New Legal Name…which is your legal name from that point in time forward.

Do you have to change your last name after graduation?

You can and should change your name with the university, but no. They do not send you a new diploma with your new last name. No one looks at your physical diploma after graduation, so it really doesn’t matter. I agree with @Rachel. All my diplomas, awards and certifications as an attorney are in my maiden name hanging on my wall.

What happens if your name is spelled wrong on a diploma?

In addition, having your name spelled incorrectly on documents, such as diplomas, can cause problems down the road. Regardless of the reason for a name change or correction, getting your name properly spelled on a diploma needs to be done to ensure that your past education is correctly credited to you.

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Can I change the name on my official student record?

The name on your official student record will be the name printed on your diploma, but there are some acceptable name changes you can request. The deadline to submit name change requests for November graduation is October 16th, 2019.