
What is the difference between astrology and Tarot reader?

What is the difference between astrology and Tarot reader?

“Tarot cards have a very individualistic approach in terms of predictions, whereas astrology provides more generic predictions. That is not to say that you cannot get a detailed prediction, you can get a detailed prediction through astrology but that involves heavy calculations of your birth chart.

Can you read Tarot for a child?

A Tarot reading for children should be dealt from a shuffled deck that consists of only a few cards. A child’s reading should draw from cards zero (the Fool) through nine (the Hermit) and all of the 16 court cards (four each of Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings).

Should I tell anyone I’m getting a tarot reading?

You should be able to tell anyone you please about your reading and furthermore, you should be able to tape the reading if you wish. This is a tarot reading, not some back alley drug deal – avoid readers who treat it like one.

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What are the factors that influence tarot card readings?

9 Factors That Influence Tarot Card Readings 1 The question being asked 2 The unknowable future 3 The present situation 4 The cards will tell you what you need to know 5 Whether or not your reader is psychic 6 The reader’s personal bias 7 The deck creator’s personal bias 8 Sheer chance 9 Reversals

What are the different types of tarot readings?

There are three types of tarot reader. The first kind is one that we’re all a little envious of. They usually have well-developed psychic abilities, and they use the cards as a jumping off point for their readings. My father went to see this kind of reader a few years back, and she told him many personal details about himself.

Are tarot cards always wrong?

I’m just going to say it straight: tarot cards are never wrong. You may disagree with me, but it’s a fact. The cards are always spot on. Accuracy depends on how the reader interprets the cards and delivers the message.