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Is it bad to want vengeance?

Is it bad to want vengeance?

It is inherently unhealthy because it takes a psychological and physical toll on the person. Venting those feelings of anger and hostility does not decrease those feelings,” he said. “It may give you a cathartic feeling, but it doesn’t last.” Revenge spawns an endless cycle of retribution.

What are the negative effects of revenge?

The authors found that most people who take revenge end up feeling emotionally worse than individuals who do not (Carlsmith et al. 2008). Moreover, previous studies found an association among revenge, depression and anxiety (Barcaccia et al.

Why are some people so vengeful?

At a glance, that seems counterintuitive because revenge is an aggressive act and these people worry and ruminate much of the time, are prone to self-criticism, and have trouble setting goals and achieving them. But their vengefulness is a product of their inability to manage negative emotions, particularly anger.

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Why do neurotic people seek revenge?

According to researchers, those high in neuroticism are also likely to seek revenge. At a glance, that seems counterintuitive because revenge is an aggressive act and these people worry and ruminate much of the time, are prone to self-criticism, and have trouble setting goals and achieving them.

Are some people more inclined to take revenge than others?

Not everyone is inclined to vengeance and some are much more inclined than others; additionally, certain emotions, such as anger, are much likely to up the possibility of revenge as well. People who set great store by their reputations, for example, are more likely to seek revenge if they feel they and their honor have been unfairly impugned.

Which personality types are the most vengeful?

People who set great store by their reputations, for example, are more likely to seek revenge if they feel they and their honor have been unfairly impugned. But the clear top-scorer on the vengefulness scale is the person high in narcissistic traits. Up next? The one high in neuroticism.