
What is the difference between claim and proclaim?

What is the difference between claim and proclaim?

As verbs the difference between claim and proclaim is that claim is to demand ownership of while proclaim is to excitedly, verbosely and candidly describe.

What is the meaning to proclaim?

1a : to declare publicly, typically insistently, proudly, or defiantly and in either speech or writing : announce. b : to give outward indication of : show his manner proclaimed his genteel upbringing. 2 : to declare or declare to be solemnly, officially, or formally proclaim an amnesty proclaim the country a republic.

How do you use proclaim in a sentence?

“The age of corporatism must be put firmly behind us,” he proclaimed.

  1. The government has proclaimed a new law.
  2. The day was proclaimed a public holiday.
  3. The ringing bells proclaimed the birth of the prince.
  4. The president proclaimed a state of emergency.
  5. The President proclaimed the republic’s independence.
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What is the difference between proclaimed and declared?

Declare = to say something officially and publicly, and “Proclaim = to publicly and officially tell people about something important”. The charter proclaimed that all states would have their own government.

What is another word for proclaim?

Some common synonyms of proclaim are announce, declare, and promulgate.

What does the word proclaim mean in the Bible?

A forth-teller; one who has a special message to deliver forth to the world; a proclaimer, harbinger, or herald. The Expositor’s Bible: The Pastoral Epistles|Alfred Plummer.

What does Exposulate mean?

obsolete : discuss, examine. intransitive verb. : to reason earnestly with a person for purposes of dissuasion or remonstrance.

What is the opposite of proclaim?

proclaim. Antonyms: repress, conceal, silentiate, obliviate, secrete. Synonyms: announce, publish, promulgate, declare, enunciate, advertise, call out, report, utter.

Which option is an antonym of proclaim?

What is the opposite of proclaim?

conceal suppress
keep secrete
secret hold back
stifle cover up
refrain hold
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What is to proclaim the Word of God?

But to “proclaim” is to communicate what has been written to an intended group of listeners. The lector proclaims the readings as a message intended for someone in particular: the assembled body of believers, gathering in Jesus’ name to hear the word of God.

Is obduracy a word?

the state or condition of being obstinate or hardhearted. — obdurate, adj. -Ologies & -Isms.

What does a claim mean?

A claim is when you say something in relation to a statement that has already been spoken about. Usually said so that same person understands and believes on what they’re saying and already knows. “My grandfather claimed for years that he was the owner.”

What is the difference between proclaiming and declaring?

Proclaiming is always done in public, in a loud, noticeable way, while declaration may involve only the speaker and one listener: When they were finally left alone, Mr Darcy declared his love for Elizabeth. Janet declared to everyone that she is going to take evening classes. Declare is also used when talking about taxes.

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What is the difference between ‘proclaim’ and ‘disagree’?

When you “disagree” with an answer The owner of it will not be notified. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. While to “proclaim” is to make an announcement, to “claim” is to make a statement which other people may question. Also, “proclaim” is an older word, so it may be used sarcastically.

What is the meaning of the Word Proclaimed?

To proclaim is to announce something officially/ publicly by word or act. To protest or maintain a belief. “They proclaimed that they we’rent guilty.” “The news anchor lost no time in proclaiming to the people that a tsunami was coming.”