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How long would it take to travel to Planet 9?

How long would it take to travel to Planet 9?

Brown thinks that if Planet Nine is confirmed to exist, a probe could reach it in as little as 20 years by using a powered slingshot trajectory around the Sun.

How fast would it take to get to Mars if Travelling the speed of light?

around 300,000 kilometers per second
Traveling At the Speed of Light Towards Mars If you were to travel at the speed of light, which is around 300,000 kilometers per second or 186,000 miles per second in a vacuum, you would reach Mars at its closest possible approach to Earth in just 3.03 minutes, or 182 seconds.

How many human years is 39 light years?

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For Voyager 1 to travel 39 light-years, it would take the spacecraft 685,000 years.

How far is planet 9 from Earth?

about 56 billion miles
At an average distance of about 56 billion miles away, it would take Planet Nine between 10,000 and 20,000 Earth years just to complete one trip around the Sun.

How far is planet 9 from Pluto?

Planet Nine – also referred to as Planet X – is a massive, hypothetical object in an elliptical orbit far beyond Pluto, roughly at a distance that would take 10,000 to 20,000 Earth years for it to complete a single trip around the Sun.

How long would it take to walk to Pluto?

At a minimum the distance between Earth and Pluto are 29 astronomical unit . An AU is defined as 149597870700 meters. If you are a halfway average walker, you will make about 6 kilometers an hour, which means it will take you 24932978,45 hours or approximately 2844,28 years to walk to Pluto.

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How long would it take to travel to the planet Earth?

If we took one of our fastest probes to the planet, New Horizons, which is currently traveling about 36,000 miles per hour (50,000 km/h), it would take well over 26 million years to reach our destination.

How long does it take for light to travel billions of light-years?

Consequently, it takes billions of years for light to travel billions of light-years through space. From our vantage point here on Earth we can see light from stars that are billions of light-years away.

How long does it take for a photon to reach Earth?

Due to this, it takes very long time for photons to reach the surface of the sun. On the other hand the photons do not interact with any matter in space and hence travel with their normal velocity and reach the surface of earth within 8 minutes.

How long would it take to travel to the Sun?

So traveling at light speed, it would only take a little more than 4 years to get there. But honestly, even if it is there, we wouldn’t really want to visit, as it is amazingly close to its parent star. It orbits once every 3 days, 5 hours.