Tips and tricks

Can I join Iskcon after marriage?

Can I join Iskcon after marriage?

There is no restrictions on leaving the organisation at all. Are there any restrictions on devotees getting married? Devotees can get married. Only 50 of ISKCON’s five lakh devotees are brahmacharis.

Which personality has connection with Iskcon?

ISKCON describes Krishna as the source of all the avatars of God. Thus ISKCON devotees worship Krishna as the highest form of God, svayam bhagavan, and often refer to him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead in writing, which was a phrase coined by Prabhupada in his books on the subject.

How do I join Iskcon full time?

Simple do’s – follow the temple schedule – getting up 4 AM, attend Mangal Aarti, Chanting minimum 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Mahamantra, Guru Puja, Breakfast Prasad, Attend Srimad Bhagavatam class, Study Shastra, Chant and dance with devotees, engage in service etc.

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What is HH in Iskcon?

HH stands for His Holiness, and is used for sannyasis. HG stands for His/ Her Grace, and is used for all non-sannyasis. HDG stands for His/ Her Divine Grace, and stands for gurus.

Did Srila Prabhupada join ISKCON?

Srila Prabhupada clearly advocated the concept of “joining ISKCON” or “joining the Krsna conciousness movement“. Here in just the first six verses of Upadeshamrita we find several such references and such references are many throughout the teachings of Srila Prabhupada.

Who appoints the acharya of ISKCON?

No real acharya has ever been appointed by committee, however Srila Prabhupada did authorize the GBC to appoint more rtviks as necessary from the senior sannyasis of ISKCON.

What is the current condition of ISKCON?

The current condition of ISKCON is a clear indication that something is awry, something is seriously amiss. The overwhelming majority of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples have all left ISKCON or been excommunicated or driven out to make room for the disciples of the initiating gurus.

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Did Srila Prabhupada join the Krsna conciousness movement?

Quite contrary to the notion of accepting one person or one guru as one’s shelter and guide, Srila Prabhupada is clearly and unambiguously advocating the concept of “joining the society” or “joining the Krsna conciousness movement”.