What salary do you need to live in LA?

What salary do you need to live in LA?

What is the True Cost of Living in LA? The website Gobankingrates.com jumped in and did the math for us in their piece, “How Much Money You Need to Live Comfortably in the 50 Biggest Cities”. They calculated an annual income of $74,371 was about right for the average person to live comfortably in Los Angeles.

How much money does it take to move to Los Angeles?

After considering all these factors, it seems the real cost of moving to Los Angeles would range somewhere between $3,000 the first month (if you’re moving from a nearby city, looking to stay with friends, or planning a minimalist lifestyle) to upwards of $10,000 (if you want to live lavishly).

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How much do utilities cost in LA?

Utilities Cost The average utilities spend in LA is $129 per month—this includes electricity, gas, water, and garbage pickup.

How much does it cost to move into an apartment?

If an apartment goes for $800 a month, you’re looking at laying out $2,400 just to move in. And it’s not enough just to have the money for first, last, and security on hand. As soon as you move in, you’ll face lots of unexpected expenses to furnish your apartment.

Is it cheaper to live alone or with a roommate?

As we’ll see, the cost to live alone depends a great deal upon what you’ll have to pay for housing. Chances are, you’ll fixate on the monthly cost to rent an apartment – with or without roommates – in your area. But, before you move out on your own, consider all of the new expenses you’ll incur living alone.

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Should you move to a more affordable town?

If you’re looking to live in a majorly expensive town such as NYC, D.C. or San Francisco, you’ll need to study up on some affordable housing tactics specific to such pricey, competitive markets. Otherwise, you might consider moving to a more affordable town that still has plenty going on for the young and budget-conscious crowd.

What do you need to know about moving costs?

Moving costs can add up fast. Before you sign the lease on your new place, you’ll want to plan and prepare for expenses such as background and credit checks, security deposits and whether you’ll hire professional movers. These tips can help you calculate costs ahead of time.