How do you get a budgie to sit on your finger?

How do you get a budgie to sit on your finger?

Talk to your budgie as you slowly place your finger in front of him as you did with the perch. Give the command word, and ask him to step onto your finger. Praise him when he does it. He will probably jump off several times, but continue to practice this for a few days until he is comfortable perching on your finger.

How do you tame an angry budgie?

To reinforce good behavior, they should also praise the bird in a happy, upbeat voice while making eye contact. Another exercise is to lay out your bird’s food on a towel in front of the bird and have your family pick at it with their fingers, just like a bird does with its beak.

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Should I spray my budgie with water?

Most budgies love being sprayed with a gentle mist of water. It will encourage them to preen, make their grooming routine more effective, and cool them down. Misting can even relieve irritation during a molt, make it easier to breathe, and limit feather dust.

How do I get my Budgie to let me touch him?

Encourage physical contact. Once your budgie is settled, place your hand in the cage and keep it immobile. Repeat this for days to let your bird get used to your physical presence in the cage. When the budgie seems okay with your hand, place your finger inside the cage.

How to train a Budgie to step up on your finger?

To train your budgie to step up on your finger, start by placing your hand in its cage every day until it’s comfortable with your presence. Then, try gently pressing your finger against your budgie’s chest so it steps up on your finger. You can also try placing a couple seeds on your finger to encourage your budgie to climb on.

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How to introduce a new Budgie to its first person?

Budgies are easily traumatized. Encourage physical contact. Once your budgie is settled, place your hand in the cage and keep it immobile. Repeat this for days to let your bird get used to your physical presence in the cage. When the budgie seems okay with your hand, place your finger inside the cage.

How to teach a Budgie to stand on its perch?

Bring your finger half an inch further and reward your budgie with a millet each time your budgie flies to you. Practice this and bring your finger further and further each day. To teach your budgie to step off of the perch you are holding and onto its cage perch, use the same command and steps given in the “step off finger” trick.