What is a flowery language?

What is a flowery language?

Flowery language occurs when elaborate words are substituted for simple ones and longer sentences are used to try to convey multiple ideas. It is an attempt to make themselves sound like they know more about a subject by using jargon terms and connecting different concepts together.

What is another word for flowery language?

What is another word for flowery language?

rhetoric bombast
grandiloquence pomposity
fustian hyperbole
magniloquence oratory
verbosity wordiness

What is Colourful language?

◊ If you use colorful language you use words that are usually considered rude or offensive. He’s been known to use some colorful language when he starts talking about politics.

What is flowery poetry?

‘Flowery language’ is a very elaborate, ornate, and often poetic/literary way of speaking or writing. It is the opposite of plain, simple language. If a speech or writing style is flowery, it uses too many complicated words or phrases in an attempt to sound skilful.

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What is author’s language?

This is how you say what you want to say, or the words a writer chooses to clearly and effectively express ideas or to evoke a particular mood.

What is literal language?

Literal language is used to mean exactly what is written. For example: “It was raining a lot, so I rode the bus.” In this example of literal language, the writer means to explain exactly what is written: that he or she chose to ride the bus because of the heavy rain. It was raining cats and dogs, so I rode the bus.

What do different flowers stand for?

Red rose: love, I love you. Deep, dark crimson rose: mourning. Pink rose: grace, happiness, gentleness. Yellow rose: jealousy, infidelity. Orange rose: desire and enthusiasm.

What does the adjective flowery mean?

adjective, flow·er·i·er, flow·er·i·est. covered with or having many flowers. decorated with floral designs. rhetorically ornate or precious: flowery language. resembling a flower in fragrance: a Rhine wine with a flowery aroma.

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How do you use colorful language?

To use his own colourful language, he thought that it would cause a vicious circle which would swamp the country financially. I will make no more reference to his colourful language. It is very colourful language, which people remember. That is colourful language, if somewhat extravagant.

What does flowery language mean?

Flowery language is a very elaborate, ornate, and often poetic/literary way of speaking or writing. It is the opposite of plain, simple language. If a speech or writing style is flowery, it uses too many complicated words or phrases in an attempt to sound skillful.

What is an example of flowery speech?

Flowery speech (or writing) is full of elaborate language (complicated or literary words and expressions). It is the opposite of speech (or writing) that uses clear and simple language. Examples of use: 1. He was famous for his flamboyant clothes and flowery speech.

Is flowery language a writing fallacy?

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However, I call flowery language a writing fallacy. I call it a fallacy because, more often than not, flowery language has the reverse of the intended effect: it makes students sound less confident in their understanding of a subject.

Are there any flowery words in literature?

If by “flowery” you mean words that most people don’t use every day, my answer is some—especially in pre-20th century novels. I look them up, which is easier today than in any previous period in my lifetime, and I remember most of them. I like words and unusual but sharply eloquent phrases.