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What caused the downfall of Sparta?

What caused the downfall of Sparta?

This decay occurred because Sparta’s population declined, change in values, and stubborn preservation of conservatism. Sparta ultimately surrendered its position as ancient Greece’s preeminent military power.

Where is Sparta now?

Sparta is a city in Laconia, on the Peloponnese in Greece. In antiquity, it was a powerful city-state with a famous martial tradition. Ancient writers sometimes referred to it as Lacedaemon and its people as Lacedaemonians.

When did Sparta get destroyed?

A century-long decline followed. Sparta’s continued agitation spurred Rome’s war on the Achaeans (146) and the Roman conquest of the Peloponnese. In 396 ce the modest city was destroyed by the Visigoths. The Byzantines repopulated the site and gave it the ancient Homeric name Lacedaemon.

What was so important about Sparta?

Strong land army,protection. Sparta advantage.

  • Women could own property. Sparta advantage.
  • Women had freedom. Sparta advantage.
  • Strength/training. Sparta advantage.
  • Possibly could make faster decisions. Sparta advantage.
  • Democracy. Athens advantage.
  • Powerful,able to conquer.
  • Surrounded by hostile city-states.
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    What were some events that happened in Sparta?

    900 BCE Sparta is founded.

  • 700 BCE Sparta,Argos and Paros hold the first documented musical competitions in Greece.
  • 650 BCE Sparta crushes Messenian revolt.
  • 480 BCE Battle of Thermopylae.
  • 478 BCE Sparta withdraws from alliance against Persia.
  • 464 BCE – 463 BCE Earthquake in Sparta,followed by slave revolt.
  • 457 BCE – 445 BCE First Peloponnesian War.
  • What are some facts about Sparta?

    Sparta was one of the most powerful city-states in Ancient Greece. It is famous for its powerful army as well as its battles with the city-state of Athens during the Peloponnesian War . Sparta was located in a valley on the banks of the Eurotas River in the south-eastern portion of Greece.

    What caused the decline of Sparta?

    The decline of Sparta is mainly linked to the structure of their society. The full military society has an downside : the military conquest of their neighbour increased the ratio between spartans and foreigners in their society. They had to focus more and more about preventing internal rebellions.