
Will two spheres with different masses fall towards earth at the same rate?

Will two spheres with different masses fall towards earth at the same rate?

Because Earth gives everything the exact same acceleration, objects with different masses will still hit the ground at the same time if they are dropped from the same height.

Why if you drop 2 objects they will fall at same time regardless of their mass or size?

Acceleration of Falling Objects Heavier things have a greater gravitational force AND heavier things have a lower acceleration. It turns out that these two effects exactly cancel to make falling objects have the same acceleration regardless of mass.

Do all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their mass?

As such, all objects free fall at the same rate regardless of their mass. Because the 9.8 N/kg gravitational field at Earth’s surface causes a 9.8 m/s/s acceleration of any object placed there, we often call this ratio the acceleration of gravity.

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Why do different sized objects fall at the same rate?

Because the downward force on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by g, heavier objects have a greater downward force. Heavier objects, however, also have more inertia, which means they resist moving more than lighter objects do, and so heaver objects need more force to get them going at the same rate.

Do two different sized balls fall same rate?

If no air resistance is present, the rate of descent depends only on how far the object has fallen, no matter how heavy the object is. This means that two objects will reach the ground at the same time if they are dropped simultaneously from the same height. In air, a feather and a ball do not fall at the same rate.

When two balls with the same diameter but different masses are dropped from the same height which will hit the ground first?

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In other words, if two objects are the same size but one is heavier, the heavier one has greater density than the lighter object. Therefore, when both objects are dropped from the same height and at the same time, the heavier object should hit the ground before the lighter one.

Why do two objects fall at the same rate?

If you neglect air resistance, objects falling near Earth’s surface fall with the same approximate acceleration 9.8 meters per second squared (9.8 m/s2, or g) due to Earth’s gravity. So the acceleration is the same for the objects, and consequently their velocity is also increasing at a constant rate.