Tips and tricks

Should I be worried if my boyfriend follows models on Instagram?

Should I be worried if my boyfriend follows models on Instagram?

If Your SO Follows IG Models, It’s Prob Fine — With This Exception. There’s no right or wrong way to feel about your boyfriend following Instagram models. For some, it can be an uncomfortable situation and a total turn-off, while others don’t really mind.

How do you set relationship boundaries with social media?

Here are some guidelines to consider as you begin setting helpful social media boundaries in your relationship.

  1. Be With Your Spouse More than Your Facebook.
  2. Respect Your Partner’s Privacy.
  3. Ask Yourself Why You Want to Share.
  4. Don’t Type What You Don’t Want Your Spouse to See.
  5. Agree About Sharing Passwords or Accounts.
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Should I trust my boyfriend at the club?

Clubs are just places for adults to go and have a good time. Trust him to have some good judgement. If he hasn’t given you reason to doubt him, then give him the benefit of the doubt. Trust is key for any relationship. Is this still revelant? I don’t think it’s a question whether you trust HIM at the club, but his FRIENDS.

How can I control my boyfriend?

You can’t control your boyfriend. Let’s clarify that right now. He is a grown man, and you are neither his mother nor his parole officer. But you do have the right to tell him if something he does bothers you. But make sure that you tell him WHY, and be prepared for him to put up a fight.

Should I let my son go to the club?

Just because he and his buds go to a club does not mean that they are going to do drugs, get irresponsible, hook up with girls or break the law. Clubs are just places for adults to go and have a good time. Trust him to have some good judgement.

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What can my Boyfriend can and can’t do?

There is no rule book about what your boyfriend “can and cannot do” – it all depends on how you and he feel. He should know that he can’t have you as his girlfriend AND get random play on the side too. Is this still revelant?