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What should you never say to an ENFJ?

What should you never say to an ENFJ?

“You’re So Selfish” Anyone can be selfish, but some people accuse the ENFJ of being selfish simply to get more out of them or to put them on a guilt trip. They know that these are the exact words that will hurt them the most because ENFJs obviously care about people and what they think of them.

How can you tell if someone is an ENFJ?

Key ENFJ Characteristics

  1. ENFJs are strong extraverts and enjoy spending time with other people.
  2. ENFJs have great people skills and are often described as warm, affectionate, and supportive.
  3. ENFJs are great at encouraging other people and derive personal satisfaction from helping others.
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What makes ENFJ sad?

While ENFJs are naturally giving people, they might struggle with really wanting to take much from others. This can sometimes be the very thing which sends them into depression, since they feel unappreciated and like their efforts aren’t being recognized.

What is ENFJ love language?

ENFJs were the only type to tie for their top two preferred love languages: Quality time weighing in at less than 1\% more than words of affirmation. This type also showed a relative preference for physical touch. Anyone who knows as ENFJ knows that they prioritize their loved ones incredibly highly.

What music do ENFJs like?

ENFJ: Blues, Country, Jazz, and World.

Why do ENFJs like to make people feel good?

Because ENFJs have dominant Extraverted Feeling (Fe) they tend to be expressive, affectionate, and find common values with other people. They love to make people feel happy and understood. Some types (usually thinking types or Fi-users) are suspicious of dominant Fe as being “fake” or “manipulative”.

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What phrases do ENFJs hate to hear?

Certain phrases everyone hates to hear. “Calm down”, “Relax”, or “You’re Being Too Sensitive” will drive anyone crazy. So we won’t include those on this list because those are universally hated. Let’s take a look at which phrases specifically infuriate the ENFJ. Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here.

Do ENFJs see right through falsehoods?

Since their primary interest in life is to help people improve, it’s a natural skill that they develop over time. People who have an ENFJ in their life sometimes feel exposed though, as ENFJ personality sees right through falsehoods.

Why do ENFJs like dominant Fe so much?

They love to make people feel happy and understood. Some types (usually thinking types or Fi-users) are suspicious of dominant Fe as being “fake” or “manipulative”. While unhealthy ENFJs can be fake or manipulative, the majority are not and feel extremely hurt by the accusation.