Why did Voldemort not like Lucius?

Why did Voldemort not like Lucius?

The main reason is that Lucius failed to retrieve the prophecy from the Ministry of Magic, put that on top of all the other times Lucius failed, and it leads to him losing any clout he once carried within the Death Eaters. Lucius did that for his own benefit – he was trying to discredit Arthur weasley.

Why did Lucius Malfoy run away?

The Malfoys were beaten down, humiliated, and kept in constant fear for their lives under the sadistic judgement of Voldemort. So when the Battle of Hogwarts came and the Malfoys saw their chance to flee when they got their son back, they were more than happy to abandon their former master.

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Who did Voldemort betray?

Narcissa’s greatest moment, however, was when she chose to betray Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Not knowing whether Draco was alive or dead, Narcissa chose to lie to the Dark Lord rather than risk losing her son.

How did Lucius betray Voldemort?

After Lord Voldemort’s first defeat, Lucius managed to avoid imprisonment by lying that he had been acting under the Imperius Curse. Lucius and his family finally rebelled against Voldemort’s tyranny and defected before the end of the Battle of Hogwarts, with them all surviving the Second Wizarding War.

Why is Lucius Malfoy on Voldemort’s bad side?

The Dark Lord blamed Lucius for the mission’s failure. Lucius was imprisoned in Azkaban and, even after he is free, was treated as a disgrace and a failure by Voldemort and the other Death Eaters. In summary, Lucius is on Voldemort’s bad side because: he failed to obtain the prophecy for Voldemort.

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What did Lucius Malfoy do in the first Wizarding War?

Lucius became one of Lord Voldemort’s Death Eaters and helped wage the First Wizarding War in an attempt to bring down the Ministry of Magic. Some of his activities may have included taking the lead in the torturing of Muggles.

Why did Lucius Malfoy fall from the Dark Lord’s Grace?

Lucius fell from the Dark Lord’s grace because he gave the diary Horcrux of the Dark Lord to Ginny Weasley. Professor Dumbledore tells in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince chapter 23, based on information from his spies, that this is the reason why Lucius fell from the grace. ‘Does Voldemort know when a Horcrux is destroyed, sir?

What happened to the Malfoys after the Battle of Hogwarts?

After their escape, the Malfoys and Bellatrix were severely punished by Voldemort and were confined to the manor. Battle of Hogwarts