
Is it okay to watch Naruto fillers?

Is it okay to watch Naruto fillers?

You won’t miss anything by skipping all the Naruto filler episodes. The only filler in that large span of fillers I legitimately enjoyed was the very last filler adventure, episodes 216-220. These episodes involved the Konoha and Sand ninjas fighting together and just had some fun fights.

Is watching Naruto filler a waste of time?

That’s because Naruto is notorious for filler arcs—episodes that deviate from the main storyline and, in most cases, fail to offer any meaningful character growth or plot progression. Naruto is definitely worth watching, but don’t waste your time with filler arcs.

Can I skip fillers in Naruto Shippuden?

You can completely skip the fillers if you wish, but if you are willing to watch more of Naruto, then you can always watch them. Most of the fillers are a complete waste of time.

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Is EP 71 of Naruto Shippuden filler?

Shippuden episodes 1-56 – Main storyline. Shippuden episodes 57-71 – Filler arc. Shippuden episodes 72-88 – Main storyline.

Are anime fillers bad?

Filler isn’t automatically terrible, but because it only exists to extend the length of an anime that is otherwise following the manga, it tends to be pretty pointless and have little to no bearing on the rest of the story.

Are fillers important in Naruto?

Naruto had a lot of filler episodes. But there’s always at least one diamond in the rough, throughout the many episodes in both the original series and Naruto Shippuden there’s a decent handful of filler that isn’t half bad and are definitely worth a watch.

Is Shippuden filler good?

The production gave us some movie-quality animation, while the story was actually just a series of epic, high-quality fights. You could describe it as “fillers on steroids”, but they are definitely worth watching.

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What Naruto filler should I watch?

Well naruto is known for its fillers, good news is the first series nearly 100\% of the fillers is after they wrap up part 1. above lists all the fillers and canon, the only must watch filler is episode 101. You can basically skip out of naruto and go to shippuden after 135. Theres like 70 straight episodes of filler after 135 so its up to you.

How many filler episodes are there in Boruto?

About 91 of those were filler episodes, Naruto had one of the highest filler percentage at 41\%, almost half of all the episodes. Boruto: Next Generation had a smaller percentage of 20\%.

Should I skip Naruto and go on to Shippuden?

You can basically skip out of naruto and go to shippuden after 135. Theres like 70 straight episodes of filler after 135 so its up to you. The filler isn’t bad i just think its worth going on to shippuden. Thanks! Episode 101-106 of the original series are must-watch IMO.

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Is Naruto Shippuden worth watching?

In fact, Naruto has an insane stretch of filler starting from episode 136 all the way to episode 220, which is when Naruto Shippuden officially begins. Naruto is definitely worth watching, but don’t waste your time with filler arcs.