
Is France strict on drinking age?

Is France strict on drinking age?

The legal drinking age in France is 18 years for ALL ALCOHOL INCLUDING WINE AND BEER. Before 2009, it was legal for 16-18 year olds to drink “fermented” beverages such as cider, wine and beer, but the laws have changed, and now it’s 18 for all alcoholic beverages. “Article 93 of Act No.

Can you drink at 13 in Italy?

You are very right Italians do not binge drink. One, there are very hard drinking and driving laws. Two, they enjoy life too much to be dead drunk at a party. The age is 18.

Can a 16 year old drink in Italy?

The law states: 1 – It is against the law (Legge 04/18/2017) to sell and/or serve alcoholic beverages to persons under 16 years old; consequently it is forbidden to purchase alcoholic beverages if you are younger than 16. Hence, there is no legal age in Italy to drink.

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What is drinking age in Italy?

18 years old
The drinking age in Italy is 18 years old. However, it is not strictly enforced. We recommend to always carry a photo ID to prove your age.

Can you drink at 16 in Rome?

The minimum drinking age in Rome is 16 yo. In Northern Europe, the minimum age is 18 yo.

Can a 17 year old drink in Italy?

It is in fact illegal in Italy to offer or serve any form of alcohol to children under 16. Aged 16+, they may drink fermented drinks like beer and wine, but not distilled alcohol (spirits), for which it is necessary to be 18+ – in all cases, irrespective of whether parents are present.

What is the legal drinking age in Italy?

Italy’s official legal drinking age is a bit of a mystery. Many people allow minors to have a sip of wine at meals. Some sources say the legal age is 16 others, 18. If you are somewhere around these ages, you are probably OK to consume wine or beer in moderation in this country.

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How does alcohol consumption work in Italy?

“In Italy, consuming alcohol revolves around food. So you are either drinking to accompany your meal (wine will always be on the table at an Italian meal), or you are being given free snacks to soak up your drink when at a bar. So the idea is that you order a drink at a standardised price and you are given crisps or other bite-sized food.

What is the legal drinking age in different countries?

In Cyprus, Greece, and Malta the legal drinking age is 17. Countries with a legal drinking age at the top end of the scale include Lithuania and Iceland at 20. Italy’s official legal drinking age is a bit of a mystery. Many people allow minors to have a sip of wine at meals.

What is the youngest age to drink alcohol in Europe?

The youngest legal age associated with alcohol in Europe is in Germany. Here, a minor can drink undistilled alcohol like wine or beer at 14 years old, if they are accompanied by what is called a Custodial Person, (ie their parents or another adult who is in charge of their welfare).