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What is first space hotel?

What is first space hotel?

Founded in 2019, the Orbital Assembly Corporation’s (OAC) motto was to begin the space construction industry. Their space station called the Voyager Station will feature a space hotel spread across 124,861 sq ft. The hotel will have rooms for 400 guests. Credit: iStock.

Who’s making the space hotel?

Orbital Assembly Corporation
Spilker has spent his entire career devoted to those dreams, working at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for 20 years. He is embarking on another mission — building a space hotel called the Voyager station. His company, Orbital Assembly Corporation, plans to build a ring-shaped hotel with 24 modules around it.

Is there a hotel on Mars?

The space hotel is part of a mars transportation system being designed by the share space foundation — a research team led by Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Team Member James Longuski of Purdue University says the hotel would orbit the sun and periodically fly by Earth and Mars.

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Could this be the first luxury hotel in space?

Aurora Station: US-based space technology start-up Orion Span hopes to launch the first ever luxury hotel in space. During their 12-day adventure, the super-rich travelers will fly at a height of 200 miles above the Earth’s surface in Low Earth Orbit, or LEP, where they will witness incredible views of the blue planet.

What inspired the design of the space hotel?

When the initial designs premiered a couple years ago, Tim Alatorre, senior design architect at Orbital Assembly Corporation told CNN Travel the hotel’s aesthetic was a direct response to the Stanley Kubrick movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” — which he called “almost a blueprint of what not to do.”

How much would it cost to visit Earth from space?

Be one of the few to have gazed upon our home planet from space? In just two years’ time, and for an astronomical $9.5 million dollars, it’s claimed you can. Interior renderings of the world’s first luxury space hotel, Aurora Station, were unveiled Thursday for the first time.

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Is it possible to run a hotel in space?

When you run a hotel, it can be hard enough to keep on top of your competition down here on Earth. But very soon a new hotel will make a play for ultimate bragging rights by opening in space. Aurora Station, developed by Orion Span, will orbit its guests around the globe 16 times each day.