Tips and tricks

What are the topics in machine learning?

What are the topics in machine learning?

The subfields of Machine Learning are: Deep Learning. Text Mining. Natural Language Processing….The topics in artificial intelligence are:

  • Machine Learning.
  • Neural Networks.
  • Evolutionary Computation.
  • Computer Vision.
  • Robotics.
  • Expert Systems.
  • Speech Processing.
  • Natural Language Processing, and.

Which topics is best for seminar in computer science?

20 Seminar Topics for Computer Science Engineering

  • Blockchain Technology.
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Big Data.
  • Machine Learning.
  • Holographic Technology.
  • Semantic Web.
  • Edge Computing.
  • Digital Twin Technology.

What is interesting in machine learning?

Machine learning is fascinating because programs learn from examples. From the data that you have collected, a machine learning method can automatically analyze and learn the structure already resident in that data in order to provide a solution to the problem you are trying to solve.

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What projects can I do with machine learning?

Here is a curated list of 10 best machine learning projects that can help beginners kick start their ML journey.

  • 1| Sentiment Analysis of Product Reviews.
  • 2| Stock Prices Prediction.
  • 3| Sales Forecasting.
  • 4| Movie Ticket Pricing Prediction.
  • 5| Music Recommendation.
  • 6| Handwritten Digit Classification.
  • 7| Fake News Detection.

What are the best applications of machine learning?

Top 10 Machine Learning Applications

  • Traffic Alerts.
  • Social Media.
  • Transportation and Commuting.
  • Products Recommendations.
  • Virtual Personal Assistants.
  • Self Driving Cars.
  • Dynamic Pricing.
  • Google Translate.

What are the current research topics in machine learning?

Here is the list of current research and thesis topics in Machine Learning: Machine Learning Algorithms. Computer Vision. Supervised Machine Learning. Unsupervised Machine Learning. Deep Learning. Neural Networks. Reinforcement Learning. Predictive Learning. Bayesian Network. Data Mining. Machine Learning Algorithms

What are some of the best machine learning projects for students?

One of the best ideas to start experimenting you hands-on Machine Learning projects for students is working on Iris Flowers classification ML project. Iris flowers dataset is one of the best datasets for classification tasks. Since iris flowers are of varied species, they can be distinguished based on the length of sepals and petals.

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What is machine learning in Computer Science?

A field of computer science and a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Machine Learning concerns with developing computational theories of learning and building learning machines. Get the PDF seminar report to understand the concept. It is one of the exciting seminar topics for computer science CSE students.

What are some good topics to study in computer vision?

Possible topics cover statistical models in computer vision, graphical models and machine learning. The seminar “Advanced Topics in Pattern Recognition” familiarizes students with recent developments in pattern recognition and machine learning. Original articles have to be presented and critically reviewed.