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Can solved be an adjective?

Can solved be an adjective?

Having a solution, having been explained or answered.

Is Solved noun or adjective?

verb (used with object), solved, solv·ing. to find the answer or explanation for; clear up; explain: to solve the mystery of the missing books.

What is the adjective form of Solve ‘?

solved. Having a solution, having been explained or answered.

What is the noun form of solved?

The answer is solution.

Can you use Solve as a noun?

For instance, “solve” as a noun is found in the 18th century, and the noun “fail” is older than “failure” (which effectively supplanted it). “Reveal” has been used as a noun since the 16th century.

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Is Solved meaning?

1 : to find a solution, explanation, or answer for solve a problem solved the crime. 2 : to pay in full solve a debt. intransitive verb. : to solve something substitute and solve for x.

Will be solved meaning?

What is the adverb for solve?

In a soluble manner.

Are challenges solved or resolved?

Problems are ‘solved,’ while challenges are ‘met,’ or ‘overcome. ‘ Elizabeth M. Welcome to English Language & Usage, a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts.

What is the adverb of solve?

Is solved or has been solved?

The difference is in whether you want to emphasize the state of being solved or the action of solving. “is solved” indicates that it is in the solved state. “has been solved” indicates that the solving of the problem has been completed, which is really just what it means to be in the state of being “solved”.

How do you use the word solved in a sentence?

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“Was solved” is the simple past passive form of “solve.” The simple past tense is frequently used when a past time is included in the sentence. “In 1982 the problem was solved by a group of astrophysicists.” (“In 1982” is a specific time in the past.

Is it correct to say has been solved or was solved?

Both “has been solved” and “was solved” are correct. However, when they are put into specific sentences, one will probably be more correct than the other. “Was solved” is the simple past passive form of “solve.” The simple past tense is frequently used when a past time is included in the sentence.

What is the adjective for solute?

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs solubilize, solute, solvate, solve and solutionize which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts. Capable of being solved. (archaic) Capable of being dissolved or liquefied. (obsolete) Capable of being paid and discharged.

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What are some synonyms for solved?

Synonyms for solved. clarify. clear up. deal with. decide. determine. do. explain. figure out.