
How do I get my book noticed on Inkitt?

How do I get my book noticed on Inkitt?

Ask Inkitt: How Do I Promote My Books?

  1. Use your author platform to interact with readers. Find out who your largest reader demographic is likely to be, and begin interacting with them online.
  2. Consider a newsletter.
  3. Set up a mechanism for book promotions.
  4. Use your author platform to build your writing community.

Can your first book get published?

New authors seeking to distribute their first fiction or nonfiction book have two publishing options. One is to sign a book deal with a traditional publisher. Such a deal, which is traditionally facilitated by a literary agent, gives the publisher exclusive rights to print and disseminate the book.

Does Inkitt pay their writers?

The Inkitt Reader Royalty Program is a way to help pay authors for their work. The company invests around four thousand dollars per month in paying out to writers based on how many people read at least two chapters. You can find all the information about the Reader Royalty Program on Inkitt’s Zendesk.

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How do you get paid on Inkitt?

Writers Make Money There are several ways for writers to make money in Inkitt. You can join the Reader Royalty program and take your share of the four thousand dollars the company splits between every author whose work is read that month.

Do Inkitt authors get paid?

You are paid royalties for your work on a quarterly basis (you can read about royalties in more detail by reading our publishing contract).

Should you publish your book The first time?

Ideally, you would publish your book perfectly the first time, everything would work out nicely, and you’d live your happily ever after publishing fairy tale. Ah, but it doesn’t always work out that way. For whatever reason, suppose you’re considering whether or not to unpublish your book.

How much does it cost to self-publish a book?

You decide to self-publish, and find a company online who will edit, design, print, and market your book for only $4,997. You swallow hard before writing the check, but you’re sure you’ll recoup your investment in no time.

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Should I Self-Publish my Book or submit it to agents?

Yes, this is true whether you’re self-publishing or submitting your book to agents: either way, people will be reading it, judging it, and making decisions that impact its success. Never edited a book before? Fear not — we’ve written a step-by-step guide to how to edit a book to get you through it!

Should you edit your book before self-publishing?

The greatest gift any author can give their manuscript is a thorough edit. Yes, this is true whether you’re self-publishing or submitting your book to agents: either way, people will be reading it, judging it, and making decisions that impact its success. Never edited a book before?