
What can I do after my BSc chemistry?

What can I do after my BSc chemistry?

Career Options After BSc Chemistry

  1. Safety Health and Environment Specialist.
  2. Professor or Tutor.
  3. Lab Assistant.
  4. Scientific Data Entry Specialist.
  5. Research & Development Manager.
  6. Product Officer.
  7. Production Chemist.
  8. Water Quality Chemist.

Which job is best after BSc chemistry?

Government Jobs like – Banking, SSC, Railways etc. Thus, the subject of Chemistry can offer a wide range of employment opportunities to candidates in both private as well as government sectors. BSc Chemistry candidates can also pursue their career in the field of teaching and technical writer.

What is the salary after BSc chemistry?

Subject-Wise Salary for Bachelor of Science :

Core Subjects Initial Annual Salary
B.Sc Chemistry/Biochemistry etc. Rs. 2,00,000 to 8,40,000
B.Sc Biology/Microbiology/Zoology/Botany etc. Rs. 2,40,000 to 7,20,000
B.Sc Environmental Sciences/Earth Sciences/Geology etc. Rs. 1,80,000 to 6,00,000

What can I do with a BSc Chemistry degree?

BSc or Bachelor of Science degree opens up a number of career options for the candidates. Whether you are from Maths, Chemistry, Physics or Biology, BSc degree holder can always go for research work, advanced studies or career in related areas. After pursuing a BSc Chemistry candidates can go for different job opportunities.

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What to do after BSc in science?

While you can opt to do a B.Sc. (honors) in Science, you can also opt for B.Sc. (Computer Science/IT), if you are interested in Computer Science and Information Technology fields. The courses after B.Sc is plenty. Learners receive an average Salary hike of 58\% with the highest being up to 400\%.

What are the career options after BSC?

One of the best things about a B.Sc degree is that there are plenty of career options after B.Sc. While you can opt to do a B.Sc. (honors) in Science, you can also opt for B.Sc. (Computer Science/IT), if you are interested in Computer Science and Information Technology fields. The courses after B.Sc is plenty.

Which exam should I take after BSC?

Top 11 Science Exams You MUST Take After B.Sc. IIT JAM: If you want to start your second innings at IITs, then there is no better exam than Joint Admission Test for MSc. To fulfil IIT dream after B. JEST: JEST is recognized as a national eligibility test by Science & Engineering Research Board