Tips and tricks

Are you a better kisser when drunk?

Are you a better kisser when drunk?

Alcohol stimulates some of the same chemicals in your brain as kissing someone does. So, if you and your date partake in a reasonable amount of alcohol your brains will enjoy it that much more if you give them a goodbye kiss.

Do you hold your breath when you kiss?

Your partner may take your breath away, but you should still be able to breathe during your kiss. If you’re having trouble breathing, it may mean the two of you are smooshing your noses together or in an uncomfortable position.

Is it okay to be in a relationship with your boss?

Can you date your boss legally? There is no law against dating one’s boss. But many companies have policies in place that restrict bosses and managers from dating subordinate employees. These policies are in place to prevent an employee from being pressured into a relationship.

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What happens when you kiss a drunk guy?

A drunk kiss can make you see things differently than they were. Alcohol is like wearing rose-colored glasses. Not only could they have seemed more attractive than they were but it was one night, and it is unlikely they were your soulmate. [Read: Your drunk girlfriend kissed another guy?

Do people kiss when they get drunk in Ireland?

They don’t really but if you were talking to someone exclusively for a good amount of time when drunk, you’ve usually kissed them. In Ireland this happens alot. In general it’s called “shifting” or “meeting”. If your in a bar, and very often with work buddies, people get drunk and flirt. Nothing topic it’s what happens.

What to do when you kiss someone you don’t have feelings for?

When you realize that you kissed someone that has actual interest in you but those feelings aren’t matched, you now must face it. You don’t want to lead on an innocent person who likes you or give them the wrong idea. Let them know you’re sorry, but that you were having a rough night and that the kiss shouldn’t have happened.

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Do you ever regret a drunk kiss with your ex?

Now, I only regretted it out of awkwardness. But, if you regret a drunk kiss because it was your ex, things could get messy. Or if your drunk kiss was with someone other than your significant other, you’ll have a bit more following up to do. So, what does that look like?