Who is considered the best writer?

Who is considered the best writer?


  • Leo Tolstoy — 327.
  • William Shakespeare — 293.
  • James Joyce — 194.
  • Vladimir Nabokov — 190.
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky — 177.
  • William Faulkner — 173.
  • Charles Dickens — 168.
  • Anton Chekhov — 165.

How do you become a versatile writer?

Try a sport, study some science, learn more about mathematics, read some philosophy, delve into ancient history, take classes on social studies, visit museums often… these activities will help you to become a versatile writer.

Who is the most successful writer of all time?


Author Min. estimated sales Number of books
William Shakespeare 2 billion 42
Agatha Christie 2 billion 85
Barbara Cartland 500 million 723
Danielle Steel 500 million 179

What is a versatile writer?

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Versatile: able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities. So basically a versatile writer should be able to adapt his/her style to whatever is being written. Examples: fluidly switch from formal to informal writing, from first person to third person, from violent action to loving dialogues.

Does reading makes you a better writer?

If you aspire to be a great writer, you’ll gain mastery of your craft, in part, by reading extensively. Aspiring authors who develop strong reading habits will learn a lot from the books they consume. Then read the work of bestselling authors like Dan Brown, Stephen King, and J.K. Rowling.

What does it mean to be a versatile writer?

Versatile: able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities. So basically a versatile writer should be able to adapt his/her style to whatever is being written. Examples: fluidly switch from formal to informal writing, from first person to third person, from violent action to loving dialogues.

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What makes a writer better than an athlete?

A writer who focuses on one are or form of writing is likely to better at that form than a more versatile writer would be. Then it comes down to context. An athlete that just focuses on being a quarterback is going to be better at being a quarterback than who also focuses on being a pitcher, a track star, etc.

What does it mean to be a writer?

A writer is an explorer. She knows she wants to get somewhere, but she doesn’t know if the somewhere even exists yet. It is still to be created. Don’t sit around looking inward. That’s boring. In the end your navel contains only lint. You have to propel yourself outward, young writer.