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How do I get over jealousy issues in a relationship?

How do I get over jealousy issues in a relationship?

Here’s a look at some ways to cope with jealousy and examine what’s at the root of your feelings.

  1. Trace it back to its source.
  2. Voice your concerns.
  3. Talk to a trusted friend.
  4. Put a different spin on jealousy.
  5. Consider the full picture.
  6. Practice gratitude for what you have.
  7. Practice in-the-moment coping techniques.

How do you show jealousy?

Signs of Jealousy

  1. You don’t trust your partner when you’re not together.
  2. You get concerned when they mention other people.
  3. You constantly check their social media to see what they’re doing.
  4. You think they’re cheating on you.
  5. You’re attempting to control your partner’s behavior.

How to overcome jealousy issues in a relationship?

Admit that you’re jealous. Sometimes,you refuse to admit that you’re jealous because you don’t want to look weak; it hurts your ego.

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  • Understand the reasons behind your jealousy. Once you admit that you feel jealous,it’s time for you to understand the factors that made you feel this way.
  • Communicate your feelings.
  • Take some form of compromise.
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