What is asked in technical interview of Capgemini?

What is asked in technical interview of Capgemini?

Technical Round: You should be prepared with Data structures and Algorithms, DBMS, Operating System, Networking, OOPs concepts and a programming language of your choice. They also ask questions from the resume.

Is Capgemini technical interview hard?

The Technical Interview round was little tough. First, they ask you to tell about yourself. They check your CV thoroughly and ask you from there. Don’t lie on your CV, you must be prepared to answer anything and everything related to what you have put in your CV.

What are the programs asked in Capgemini interview?

Capgemini’s Pseudo Code section assesses candidates’ ability to answer questions that include: Understanding of programming logic (tested through Pseudocode Questions), C, C++, Java, Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS).

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How do you deal with Technical Interviews?

That’s exactly what we’ll be focusing on in these five tips.

  1. Talk Out Your Reasoning and Problem Solving Process.
  2. What’s Better Than Solving a Problem in a Technical Interview?
  3. Don’t Be Afraid to Share Your Opinions, When Applicable.
  4. Never End an Answer With “I Don’t Know”
  5. Always Play for the Team.

Why do u want to join Capgemini?

The most important things Capgemini looks for in your application is a genuine passion for technology, a desire to be part of this fast-paced, ever-changing industry, and excellent skills in communication, innovation and collaboration. Capgemini is an amazing place to start your career.

How should I prepare for a technical interview?

To prepare for your next technical interview, make sure to:

  1. Consider the tools and skills necessary for the role.
  2. Study helpful books and digital publications.
  3. Practice for the interview.
  4. Be a conversationalist and prepare to ask questions.
  5. Take the time you need.