
Can science can explain everything?

Can science can explain everything?

No because… Science is an instense study to try and understand the workings of the universe, it is fundamentally flawed because it cannot and will not ever explain the WHY of anything. Therefore science can never explain everything.

Do we know everything about science?

It is true that science does not know everything. We are learned new things about the world around us every day and that new knowledge will change the beliefs we have today. Given that fact, it seems logical that we don’t actually know anything. And if that is the case, science can’t be used to disprove any belief.

Can I be a scientist and still believe in God?

Five Reasons You Can Believe in Both Science and God Early Religions. In its earliest forms, religion’s purpose was to provide an explanation for patterns in nature observed by mankind. Archaeology and the Bible. The Renaissance. Creation and the Big Bang. Evolution. Open Discussion.

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What does the Bible say about science?

The Bible doesn’t ever use the term Science because it didn’t exist at the time. However the Bible has a lot to say about gaining knowledge and wisdom. It is the glory of God to conceal things,but the glory of kings is to search things out.

Does science disprove God and the Bible?

Science is not knowledge or a system of knowledge about just ‘one thing,’ as in the atheist’s statement that “science disproves God and the Bible.” Science is a method of learning about ‘many things’ (e.g. scientific method).

Is it possible to believe in God and science?

Yes it is possible. You can be a deist and believe that God created the Universe and then left it alone. Alternatively, you can believe that there are scientific laws that God enforces most of the time, but sometimes God violates the laws and brings forth a miracle. There is also a quantum mechanical interpretation.