
What is my postal code Abu Dhabi?

What is my postal code Abu Dhabi?

zip code Of Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates

Pincode : 51133
Address : Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates
Country : United Arab Emirates

What is the PO box number of Mussafah?

The pin code or postal code number of P.O. Box No. 9022, Mussafah, Abu Dhabi is 307501.

What is PO Box of Abu Dhabi?

Current and historical list of public PO box numbers (confirm accuracy direct with EPG)

Emirate or City 2003 list 2019 check
Abu Dhabi CPO PO Box 111188 3838 or 111188
Ajman CPO PO Box 666688 PO Box 6263
Al Ain CPO PO Box 222288 PO Box 88888
Dubai, Bur Dubai, Karama CPO PO Box 333388 PO Box 111311
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What is my postal code UAE?

There isn’t anywhere in Dubai or UAE that uses a zip code or postcode for mail delivery. Try 00000 if you are forced to use one.

How do I get mail in Abu Dhabi?

If you need to receive post or packages you basically have two options:

  1. Use a PO Box. Either use your company one or register for a private one, but if you need to receive bills from home, or friends and family want to send you any cards or letters, a PO Box number is what you need.
  2. Use a courier.

What is the postal code of Fujairah UAE?

Pin Code Of Uae Fujairah is 125212.

What is the zip code of Ras Al Khaimah?

zip code Of Ras Al-Khaimah – Ras Al Khaimah – United Arab Emirates

Pincode : 000000
Address : Ras Al-Khaimah – Ras Al Khaimah – United Arab Emirates
Country : United Arab Emirates

How can I know my ZIP postal code? To find a zip code with, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code.

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What is P.O. Box in UAE?

The Public Post Box service is offered at all post offices across the country, and each location has been assigned a P.O. Box number, such as Abu Dhabi Central (P.O. Box 111188), Al Ain Central (P.O. Box 222288), Dubai Central Karama (P.O. Box 333388), Deira Main (P.O. Box 444488), Sharjah Central (P.O. Box 555588).

How can I get P.O. Box number in UAE?

How to rent a post box?

  1. Visit
  2. Select the ‘Personal services’ option from the menu bar.
  3. Click on ‘Rent a PO Box’.
  4. Click on ‘Go to My PO Box’ and you will receive two options for a personal post box – ‘MyBox’ and ‘MyHome’.
  5. Once you hit ‘Apply’, you will be asked to create an Emirates Post account.

What is the zip code of Ajman UAE?

zip code Of Ajman

Pincode : 20550
Address : Ajman
Country : United Arab Emirates