
Why did Asgore not absorb the souls?

Why did Asgore not absorb the souls?

After hearing Asgore didn’t want to fight you, he knew his only choice was to absorb the SOULs himself. This would explain why he’s the only enemy able to dodge attacks, just like a human. And, just like you can, after you spare them he can do a practically infinite-damage unavoidable move.

Why does Flowey destroy Asgores soul?

flowey destroyed asgore’s soul to “help” chara, which ultimately cut off chara’s only way out of the underground. asriel ruined chara’s plan and got them both killed when he refused to harm humans.

How many souls does Flowey need to become Asriel?

philotest asked: Actually, Asriel needs 7 human souls to maintain his real form, it’s mentioned in his dialogue before the omega flowey fight, and in waterfall it says that a single human soul equals all monster souls. Flowey mentions that he needs seven souls to become GOD – not necessarily to obtain his real form.

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How many times has Sans killed Flowey?

But what if Sans got sick of Papyrus telling him this, and went to find Flowey himself, and found out about his plan to destroy humanity. We don’t know which timeline this is in, and it could have been when any of the souls passed through, and he killed Flowey six times, one for every soul.

What happens if you take Asgore’s soul?

If the protagonist kills Asgore, he dies smiling. Before the protagonist can take his SOUL and pass through the barrier, Flowey shatters Asgore’s SOUL. He tells the protagonist they finally realized that this is a “kill-or-be-killed” world. Flowey appears and finishes Asgore off, both body and SOUL.

Who Seraphim Sans?

Seraphim Sans is a Sans that began existing after Sans killed Frisk and then absorbed the other six human Souls.

Why does Flowey want the SOULs?

, Played through the game at least 10 times, went all routes. The souls did indeed rebel against Omega Flowey, causing him to lose his powers. They did so because Flowey was using these souls for an evil intention of torturing a fellow human soul.

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What soul is Asriel?

ASRIEL, wracked with grief, absorbed the human’s SOUL. He transformed into a being with incredible power. With the human SOUL, ASRIEL crossed through the barrier. He carried the human’s body into the sunset.

What happens if you dont spare Asgore?

Asgore forces the protagonist to fight him, and the protagonist cannot spare Asgore. If any of Asgore’s attacks hit the protagonist and they do not have enough HP to survive it, the attack drops their HP to 1 when it otherwise would have killed them.

What happened to Flowey after he absorbs the souls?

As he absorbs the SOULs, Flowey’s face becomes horribly twisted in a way not previously witnessed, and the game immediately closes. When reopened, the typical introduction cut scene is altered; the Boss Monster is replaced with a Loox, similar to the Undertale Demo. There is no “typewriter” sound as the text is shown on screen.

How do the souls help the protagonist defeat Flowey?

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The SOULs aid the protagonist with healing green attacks. Flowey’s defense drops slightly every time the protagonist calls to one of the SOULs for help. After the protagonist defeats him, the human SOULs revolt against Flowey, and he loses his powers before he reverts to his earlier flower form.

What happens to the souls after the end of Soul Eater?

After the protagonist defeats him, the human SOULs revolt against Flowey, and he loses his powers before he reverts to his earlier flower form. After the credits, Sans tells the protagonist that the SOULs have disappeared, precluding the plan of breaking the barrier with them.

How strong is Flowey compared to Asgore?

Considering what happened to Flowey when he absorbed the human Souls, and considering that Flowey is a bare fraction of Asgore’s strength, adding the six human Souls to the immense power that Asgore shows in his fight could easily make him as much of a challenge for Genocide Frisk as he is for Pacifist Frisk. Fast. Simple. Free.