
What advice would you give a 20 year old?

What advice would you give a 20 year old?

Don’t be afraid of your ideas. Don’t be afraid of being judged in this world. Just do your best and be authentic. I spent way too much time worrying about what other people think. You may never achieve the things you really want to if you’re afraid to put yourself out there.

What is the best advice for girls Quora?

Wisely choose your life partner.

  • Use your brakes, instead of legs, while stopping your scooty.
  • Use your mind, instead of heart, most of the time.
  • Learn cooking.
  • Stop stalking or disturbing your ex, if any.
  • If you dislike someone, dislike them alone.
  • Stop.
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    What would my 20-year-old self say?

    I would love to tell my 20-year old Self: Accept yourself the way you are. Don´t waste your energy comparing yourself to others. Don´t be with anybody, who is not seeing your worth. Love yourself more and forgive yourself for mistakes in the past.

    How can a girl be perfect and beautiful?

    How to Become The Most Beautiful Girl Naturally

    1. Whiten Teeth. This is something that many women forget about when it comes to looking prettier.
    2. Take Care of Skin.
    3. Be Confident.
    4. Get Enough Sleep.
    5. Massage Face.
    6. Keep Hair Healthy.
    7. Maintain Good Posture.
    8. Wear Clothes That Fit Well.

    What are some tips for a 20 year old girl?

    For many 20-year-olds, the fear of judgment or failure is a major stopping power. Don’t fear your ideas are not good enough. Be eager to always be learning. Share your knowledge, your ideas, and the things you learn.

    What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?

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    But there are pieces of advice I wish I could give my 20-year-old self. They would go like this. 1. Make your mark sooner. When you’re young, it seems like you have plenty of time on your hands. In reality, you do. So, make your mark sooner. Whether it’s writing content, working on a podcast, or building a community–make a mark.

    How do you navigate your 20s?

    Navigating your 20s can be tricky. However, if you can learn from the lessons of others who have already been there, it helps you get through the process much easier. To all of the 20-year-olds out there, this is the best advice I could ever give you, so listen up! 1. Commit To Self-Development

    How can I be successful in my 20s?

    In turn, I was able to accelerate my success in every area of my life. If you’re in your 20s right now, your greatest advantage is your youth. Invest time, energy, and money into growing and improving yourself. It will pay massive dividends later on in your life.

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