How to properly groom a beard?

How to properly groom a beard?

1) First and Foremost, Be Patient. A truly epic beard is the product of self-restraint. 2) Match Your Beard to Your Face Shape. Like any wild animal, a beard should be in-tune with its surrounding environment. 3) Know How (and When) to Trim. Pruning is essential to a well-groomed beard—even if you plan on growing it out. 4) Wash It Regularly. This is especially important in the early stages of growth, especially since trapped food and skin cells can exacerbate the itchiness. 5) Love Thy Beard Oil. “Beard oils can be tricky,” confesses McMahan. “Some are too heavy. Some are too shiny. Some feel dry. 6) Learn to Train Your Beard. A regular trim will maintain your chosen shape, but it’s not the only way to keep your beard in line. 7) Don’t Forget the Mustache. Unless you’ve chosen a chinstrap—and we really hope you didn’t—growing an epic beard also means growing a mustache. 8) Fuel Up. You can’t build a house without bricks, and the same applies to facial hair.

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How do you grow a great beard?

Take biotin daily. This dietary supplement is known to increase the growth of hair and nails. Use 2.5 mg of biotin every day to make your beard grow quickly. This often comes in supplements which you can buy from a vitamin shop or health food store.

How do you shave your beard?

It’s always best to shave at the end of a shower to soften the beard and open the pores. Use a high-quality shaving cream and a sharp razor. Lather the face and, using your free hand, stretch the skin tight.

How to maintain a beard?

Allow the beard to grow undisturbed. A long,full beard will not grow in a day or even a week.

  • Exfoliate,tame and nourish. As your beard continues to grow,exfoliate and wash it well.
  • Choose a shape that matches your face shape. When it comes to beard maintenance,it goes beyond a simple trim.
  • Trim,trim,trim.
  • Don’t forget to comb it.