What is an example of ethnicity?

What is an example of ethnicity?

For example, people might identify their race as Aboriginal, African American or Black, Asian, European American or White, Native American, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Māori, or some other race. Ethnicity refers to shared cultural characteristics such as language, ancestry, practices, and beliefs.

What is ethnicity vs nationality?


Race Ethnicity Nationality
Refers to identification of people into groups based on various sets of physical characteristics Refers to people who identify themselves based on common ancestral, cultural, national, and social experience Refers to the country of citizenship

How many ethnicity are there?

The most recent United States Census officially recognized five racial categories (White, Black or African American, Asian American, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) as well as people of two or more races.

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How many ethnicities are there?

Because data sources such as censuses or surveys are self-reported – in other words, people are classified how they ask to be classified – the ethnic group data reflects how people see themselves, not how they’re categorized by outsiders. Those results measured 650 ethnic groups in 190 countries.

What is the most common ethnicity in America?

Prevalence Rankings and Diffusion Score

  • The most prevalent racial or ethnic group for the United States was the White alone non-Hispanic population at 57.8\%.
  • The Hispanic or Latino population was the second-largest racial or ethnic group, comprising 18.7\% of the total population.

Are all nationalities beautiful in their own way?

All nationalities are beautiful in their own ways, because nature gave all of them their unique appearance.

What are the most attractive nationalities across the world?

The 15 Most Attractive Nationalities People Across the World Voted For 1 Ukrainian. Do you agree with the results of the vote? 2 Danish 3 Filipino 4 Brazilian 5 Australian 6 South African 7 Italian 8 Armenian 9 English 10 Canadian

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What race does Taehyung look like?

The ever so handsome Taehyung looks Southeast Asian rather than East Asian. A lot of the answers here are claiming that he looks mixed with white, which I cannot figure out for the life of me why they would think so! He doesn’t have caucasian features at all.

Are mulatto girls considered more attractive?

Unfortunately, in some countries Mulatto girls struggle with a racial identity crisis, with some considering themselves more white, and others more black. However, I will not hide the fact that in general, Mulatto girls are considered more attractive then pure black girls. And it’s very easy to see why.