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Who said Choice not chance determines your destiny?

Who said Choice not chance determines your destiny?

Quote by Aristotle: “Choice not chance determines your destiny [my …”

What is the meaning of it is your decision and not your conditions that determine your destiny?

To me, this quote is saying that we have the power to change our lives with our decisions. We can chose to do something stupid. It is in the power of our decisions that we generate our futures and shape our destiny. Some would argue that our conditions are the larger part of determining our destiny.

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WHO SAID excellence is never an accident?

Quote by Aristotle: “Excellence is never an accident.

How do we determine our destiny?

The choices we make determine our destiny. “Joshua of old declared, ‘Choose you this day whom ye will serve; . . . but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Why excellence is a choice?

Aristotle explains it beautifully: “Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives — choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”

What does We are what we repeatedly do Excellence then is not an act but a habit mean?

Excellence is something that develops over time by doing simple, basic things, over and over again until they become habit. Excellence is embodied in the phrase “don’t practice until you get it right; practice until you can’t get it wrong!” Excellence is a habit.

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Do your choices define your destiny or does destiny influence your choices?

Answer: I believe we are in full control of our choices and that our actions, in response to what fate offers us, matter.

Is Destiny determined by chance or by choice?

It’s choice – not chance – that determines your destiny. Amongst all the wonders we are blessed with, one of the most powerful things that we have got is the power of “free will” or Choice. Specifically the choices we can make in life on a day to day basis between good and bad and how we wish to be or become as evolving human beings.

Is it ever too late to make the right choices?

But remember, your life is the result of choices—YOUR choices. Others can influence or hinder you, but your choices are the determining factor of your destiny. It is never too late to make the right choices.

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Is your life the result of your choices?

But remember, your life is the result of choices—YOUR choices. Others can influence or hinder you, but your choices are the determining factor of your destiny.

Are You spoilt with choices in Your Life?

“Until a person can say deeply and honestly, “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,” that person cannot say, “I choose otherwise” – Stephen R. Covey (1932-…, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) In today’s world, many of us are also spoilt with choices. We do not know what is good for us and what is not.