
What is the answer to the chicken and egg question?

What is the answer to the chicken and egg question?

So in a nutshell (or an eggshell, if you like), two birds that weren’t really chickens created a chicken egg, and hence, we have an answer: The egg came first, and then it hatched a chicken.

How do I overcome the egg and chicken problem?

19 Tactics to Solve the Chicken-or-Egg Problem and Grow Your Marketplace

  1. Tactic 1: Get the hardest side first.
  2. Tactic 2: Appeal tightly to a niche and repeat.
  3. Tactic 3: Subsidize the most valuable side of the market.
  4. Tactic 4: Make the supply look bigger with automation.
  5. Tactic 5: Build one side as an email list.

How did Airbnb solve the chicken and egg problem?

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They created a script that scanned all landlords offers on Craigslist and collected their emails. So Airbnb quickly acquired 60,000 first landlords, which solved The Chicken and Egg problem.

What approach did Etsy use to overcome its chicken or egg problem?

Once Etsy had the first-tier artisans on the site, the next tier naturally followed them. This is how Etsy resolved the perennial marketplace problem, famously or infamously known as the “Chicken and Egg Problem”. Every marketplace has stumbled upon this puzzle.

What is the meaning of chicken and egg situation?

If you describe a situation as a chicken and egg situation, you mean that it is impossible to decide which of two things caused the other one.

What came first the chicken or the egg answer?

Eggs certainly came before chickens, but chicken eggs did not—you can’t have one without the other. However, if we absolutely had to pick a side, based on the evolutionary evidence, we’re on Team Egg.

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What does the idiom chicken and egg situation meaning?

a chicken-and-egg situation is one where it is impossible to say which of two things happened first or caused the other to happen.

Is chicken and egg an idiom?

The idiom a chicken and egg situation has two related definitions. First, a chicken and egg situation may be one in which it is impossible to decide which of two things caused the other thing, or which of two things existed first. For instance, an employee who performs poorly may blame it on having a surly boss.

Do chickens have a period?

Here are the deets: Female chickens have a menstrual cycle that can be daily during certain times of the year. During a hen’s cycle, an ovary sends a yolk on its path. The yolk forms what we know of as an “egg white” as it moves through the reproductive tract into the shell gland.