Are Siddha and Ayurveda same?

Are Siddha and Ayurveda same?

Unlike Ayurveda, which is another traditional system of Indian medicine, but which gives topmost priority to herbal treatment, Siddha medicine gives importance to the conjunctive use of plants and minerals. For simple ailments, the Siddha practitioner advises the initial use of herbs.

Does Siddha Medicine have side effects?

Are there any side effects of siddha medicines? Medicines prepared according to proper procedure mentioned in the literatures do not produce any adverse reaction.

Should I Choose Allopathy or Ayurveda or Siddha?

Choosing the right kind of treatment – Allopathy, Ayurveda or Siddha – can be a confusing affair. We look at the merits of each type and when they are most appropriate to use. Medical systems such as Ayurveda and Siddha are considered alternative therapies in today’s world. Some are quick to dismiss such therapies while others swear by them.

What is the difference between homeopathy and Ayurveda?

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Whereas, in allopath the concept to treat the disease with the help of drugs, in Ayurveda healing is facilitated with the amalgamation of five elements of nature and in homeopathy the objective is to bring about a change in human body to make it responds in a better way to get the system right in place. Homeopathy Vs. Allopathy & Ayurveda

What is Siddha and how can it help you?

Siddha doesn’t enter the treatment of every disease. It is mainly about strengthening the inner sources of the body and activating the body in a certain way. Siddha is very different in the sense, though there are herbs, it is essentially elemental in nature.

What is the philosophy of Ayurveda?

The philosophy of Ayurveda is based on the theory of Pancha bhootas (five element theory) of which all the objects and living bodies are composed of. Siddha: Siddha system of medicine emphasize that medical treatment is oriented not merely to disease, but also has to take into account the patient, environment, age, habits, physical condition.