
What is the importance of water vapour in air for Class 6?

What is the importance of water vapour in air for Class 6?

Importance of water vapour in the atmosphere is that it helps in the process of water cycle. When water vapour goes up, it mixes with dust particles and other gases to form clouds. When the clouds become heavier, then water vapours again fall down to earth surface in the form of rain.

What is an example of water vapor?

Water vapor is steam. An example of water vapor is the floating mist above a pot of boiling water. Water in the form of a gas; steam. Water in its gaseous state, especially in the atmosphere and at a temperature below the boiling point.

What is water vapour for Class 2?

Water vapor is water that is in the form of a vapor, or gas. It is a part of the water cycle. When liquid water is heated to boiling point, 100 degrees Celsius (212 F), it turns into vapor. Water vapor can also be produced directly from ice; this is called sublimation.

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What is water vapour short answer 6?

Water vapour comes into the air from the evaporation of water present on the earth (in ponds, lakes, rivers and oceans, etc.) and from transpiration. It is water vapour present in air which rises high in the sky along with hot air, gets cooled, condenses to form clouds and then brings rain on the earth.

What is steam and water vapor?

Water vapor is water as a gas, where individual water molecules are in the air, separate from each other. Steam is what you see above a boiling kettle. Steam is hot water in droplets almost big enough to see – but you can see the cloud of droplets.

What is difference between steam and water vapour?

The difference between steam and water vapor is that water vapor is typically the same temperature as the air that is present while steam is above the boiling point of water. The chemical composition of water and steam are identical.

What means water vapour?

Definition of water vapor : water in a vaporous form especially when below boiling temperature and diffused (as in the atmosphere)

What is water vapour short answer 7?

– Water vapor is water in its gaseous state-instead of liquid or solid.It is totally invisible. – When the air gets saturated with the water vapour, at a specific temperature it will form frost as it starts to condense.

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What is dust 6th?

Dust is the small particles suspended freely in the air. Smoke is made up of water vapour and gases which pollute the air.

What is the difference between water and water vapor?

As you can see from the demonstration, water vapor is an invisible gas. Liquid water changes to water vapor when it evaporates or boils. The gas inside the bubbles of boiling water is water vapor. Water vapor can change back into liquid water when it cools down.

Are clouds water vapor?

While it’s true that clouds contain water, they actually aren’t made of water vapor. If they were, you wouldn’t be able to see them. The water that makes up clouds is in liquid or ice form. It’s only when that water vapor cools and condenses into liquid water droplets or solid ice crystals that visible clouds form.

What is water vapor and how is it used?

Water vapor is water that has been heated to the point that it changed its state from liquid to gaseous form. Once it has changed into this state under pressure (in a pipe) it can be put to work. Directing the vapor increases its Kinetic Energy and can now be utilized to turn a Steam Turbine or used in…

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What is the importance of water vapour in the atmosphere?

Although its storage in the atmosphere is comparatively small, water vapour is extremely important in forming the moisture supply for dew, frost, fog, clouds, and precipitation. Practically all water vapour in the atmosphere is confined to… As noted above, water exists in the atmosphere in gaseous form.

Where does water vapor collect the most?

During the summer and fall of 2005, this visualization shows that most vapor collects at tropical latitudes, particularly over south Asia, where monsoon thunderstorms swept the gas some 2 miles above the land. Water vapor is known to be Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gas, but the extent of its contribution to global warming has been debated.

What is water vapor feedback and why does it matter?

Water vapor feedback can also amplify the warming effect of other greenhouse gases, such that the warming brought about by increased carbon dioxide allows more water vapor to enter the atmosphere. “The difference in an atmosphere with a strong water vapor feedback and one with a weak feedback is enormous,” Dessler said.