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Can teachers post names of students on social media?

Can teachers post names of students on social media?

Never, ever, ever post photos of your students on social media! Each parent has their own personal beliefs about posting their child’s likeness online. It is not your place to post their children online. You are also violating a student’s privacy by doing this.

Can I post pictures of students?

Under FERPA, photographs can be treated as directory information, meaning that as long as parents/guardians (and students over age 18) are given general notice that photographs might be published and an opportunity to opt out, photographs of the student can be posted without express consent.

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Do teachers have freedom of speech on social media?

For example, speaking while teaching a lesson in the classroom is part of a teacher’s ordinary duties, but posting on a personal social media account typically is not. Speech directly to a supervisor is often made as an employee, but speech to the local news or other outside individuals is often made as a citizen.

Is it illegal for teachers to have students on social media?

It is certainly not illegal for both students and teachers to follow each other on social media.

Should teachers be allowed to follow students on social media?

Build rapport: Some teachers argue that following students on social media with a professional account helps to build rapport with them. It helps teachers to see what their life is like outside of the one hour that they spend with them each day.

Should you post your student’s photos on social media?

Never, ever, ever post photos of your students on social media! Each parent has their own personal beliefs about posting their child’s likeness online. Some parents overshare while others don’t want their children online at all. It is not your place to post their children online. You are also violating a student’s privacy by doing this.

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What should you never post on social media as a teacher?

Never mention your school in any post. Even with privacy settings, your post could be found on search engines. 9. Never complain about your job online, especially if you are followed by your school and/or co-workers. This is a good practice for all professionals, not just teachers!

Should teachers share personal information on social media?

Sharing personal information is generally a bad idea. Tagging fellow teachers is a terrible idea. If other teachers want to share something, leave it to them. Do encourage students to make the most of their social media accounts.

Should I post my child’s photo on my profile?

It is not your place to post their children online. You are also violating a student’s privacy by doing this. Not only are you sharing their location information (if your location/school is listed in your profile, that child is now associated with that location/school), they may not feel comfortable having photos of themselves online.