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Could Dr Strange have put Thanos in the mirror dimension?

Could Dr Strange have put Thanos in the mirror dimension?

Because Strange knew that there was only one possibility of winning the war and that possibility did not include the scenario of him putting Thanos in the mirror dimension.

Can Doctor Strange use mirror dimension?

Dr. Stephen Strange learned to access and manipulate the Mirror Dimension during his sorcery training at Kamar-Taj. He used this ability in his subsequent battles with Kaecilius.

Is the Mirror Dimension destroyed?

In addition, the Mirror Dimension can be used in combat by a sorcerer with the knowledge and skill needed to perform it liberally by manifesting a gateway to it to absorb attacks and then sending the manifestation at the enemy to trap them at the Mirror Dimension, but these Mirror Dimension gateways can seemingly be …

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What is the dark dimension in Marvel?

The Dark Dimension, also known as the Darkforce Dimension, the Hell Dimension, or simply Hell, is a vast dimension in the Multiverse ruled by Dormammu. It is a strange and hostile dimension, being an amalgamation of itself and all other dimensions Dormammu had conquered and absorbed into it.

Who is the bad guy in The Avengers?

Thanos has been a constant thorn in the side of the Marvel Universe ever since – and that extends into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where Thanos repeated his Infinity Gauntlet scheme to devastating effect in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.

What exactly was Doctor Strange doing in Infinity War?

Admittedly, there is a lot of debate over what exactly Doctor Strange was doing in Infinity War – after seeing 14,000,605 futures, he decided to give Thanos the Time Stone, enabling him to ultimately kill half the universe – but this one aspect seems a cut-and-dry oversight. Even Thanos himself questions it during their fight.

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How did Doctor Strange get the Zealots in the mirror dimension?

After the initial attack on the New York Sanctum, Doctor Strange trapped all of them inside the Mirror Dimension just before Kaecilius was about to destroy the place. Karl Mordo informed Strange that the Zealots ‘ connection to the Dark Dimension made them even stronger in the Mirror Dimension.

How did strange and Mordo escape the mirror dimension?

Karl Mordo informed Strange that the Zealots ‘ connection to the Dark Dimension made them even stronger in the Mirror Dimension. Realizing that their plan backfired, Mordo and Strange tried to escape. However, Kaecilius made their escape harder for them by warping reality to the point where navigation became very difficult.

Did Doctor Strange ever try to use the time stone?

The most obvious comes from those 14 million futures Doctor Strange saw; it’s entirely possible that he did attempt to use the Time Stone in one or more of them, only for it to not succeed in ultimately stopping Thanos. Indeed, Dormammu was from the Dark Dimension, an alternate world that is removed from any conventional understanding of time.