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How can you convince HR to extend joining date?

How can you convince HR to extend joining date?

Here I would like to request to extend my joining date to _________(mention the date). I will be completely relieved from my previous job by this date. I hope you under stand my situation and accept my request and please let me know if you need any further details. Thanking you.

How do you request an email extend the joining date in a company?

Hence, may I humbly request an extension to the commencement date for me at your organization, of which I am very keen to be a part of? I do want to exit the current organization on good terms as well as fulfill my obligations to them, being a responsible employee. I thank you for your kind understanding on my request.

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Can you get a job offer you have accepted then rejected?

Now thinking that the employer whose job offer you accepted then rejected will immediately take you back once you waltz in asking for the job back is unrealistic. Recruitment is a long and tough process, and once you’ve accepted a job offer, recruiters jump for joy at putting the whole process behind them.

What to do when you drop out of a job offer?

If you were interviewing at other companies and dropped out because of your offer, reach back out to their recruiters and let them know that you won’t be moving forward with the other offer. You don’t need to be explicit. As long as you didn’t burn any bridges with the recruiter, most will let you resume the interview process if its still ongoing.

Is it common to get a counter offer after resignation?

After resigning, getting a counter offer (Hike on current salary or Promotion) is quite common in most of the industries. It takes lot of time and money for a company to find and replace valuable staff, so unless the decision is mutual, the company will want to do what it can to retain the employee.

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What should I do if my job offer is rescinded?

If your point of contact at the company hasn’t explained why your offer was rescinded, you need to ask. Don’t be aggressive, but communicate how disappointed you are in the outcome and that you’d like a more detailed explanation. You can then mine their explanation for actionable takeaways when you continue to job-hunt.