
Does lack of sleep really cause dark circles?

Does lack of sleep really cause dark circles?

Sleep deprivation can cause your skin to become dull and pale, allowing for dark tissues and blood vessels beneath your skin to show. Lack of sleep can also cause fluid to build underneath your eyes, causing them to appear puffy. As a result, the dark circles you see may actually be shadows cast by your puffy eyelids.

Is it true that all Middle Eastern people look alike?

A 10–20\% shared Middle Eastern genetics is huge, but beyond this it’s not a generic “they all look alike” thing. It’s regional. My wife will mistake certain people of Latin American descent for people from specific regions in her homeland. For example, someone she’ll say they look like “Beni Mzrab” others like Amazighi Kabyle from Tizuouizu.

What kind of eyes do Arabs have?

Arabs and Middle Easterns in general have very beautiful large eyes with thick eye lashes. Eyes are the first thing people look at in any face. Those are some famous women for their beauty in Arabic speaking countries. they all have different features but eyes shapes are common among them. How can a white guy get an Arab girl?

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Can a Latino woman tell an Arab from another country apart?

Basically, some Latinos from some countries tend to more closely, or less, resemble Arabs than others from other countries. Some roughly look “Arab-like” but she can at least tell them apart from Arabs or Berbers. Others however are dead ringers and she can’t tell them. To put this in context, I’m a Black American.

Where do some people look like they come from?

Others look like they come from Oran, others look Sahrawi. Some people look like they come from her province. This varies also by Latin American countries. For example she’s noticed many people from Peru whom she’s met look more like Arabs from a specific part of her country than many Mexicans.