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Can two independent people have a good relationship?

Can two independent people have a good relationship?

Being in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to be co-dependent. Healthy relationships are about two independent people who decide to share their lives and build a relationship together. ​”It’s very important to have independence in a relationship.

Why being independent in a relationship is important?

A lasting relationship cannot be sustained by the fear of what could be lost by being apart. Healthy independence within a relationship allows you and your partner to feel the love gained by being together, and to choose that love again and again.

How do you maintain independence in a relationship?

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Maintaining independence is based on trusting the other individual as well as being comfortable with yourself. If you trust your partner, and you trust yourself, you can easily spend time apart. When you come back together, you can share your experiences if you want.

How do you help each other grow in a relationship?

But if you and your partner do the following things, experts say, you’re more likely to grow old together.

  1. Make Time For Each Other.
  2. Maintain A Positive Friendship.
  3. Have Awkward Talks.
  4. Practice “Compassionate Acceptance”
  5. Shop For Groceries Together.
  6. Have Your “Me Time”
  7. Listen To Each Other Without Any Distractions.

How do you make a long distance relationship work?

  1. Communicate as much (or as little) as you need to feel connected.
  2. “Be there” even when you can’t actually be there.
  3. Remind your partner frequently what you love about your relationship.
  4. Forge a secure attachment by supporting each other’s interests.
  5. Find a way to hang out together while apart.
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How do you love an independent person?

Here are some tips for loving the independent person in your life and ensuring they’re happy with you for many years to come.

  1. Check the relationship games at the door.
  2. Let them have time and space to themselves.
  3. Honor their right to make their own decisions.
  4. Respect their time and plan ahead.

What does it mean to be independent in a relationship?

They let their partners do their own thing. Independent people understand that just as they need time away from their partners, their partners also need to have their own separate identities. This approach can help the overall health of a relationship by allowing both people to maintain clear senses of self.

What makes a relationship work?

Here’s how psychologists explain four things that make a relationship work. 1. Positive Thinking Helps Make a Relationship Work Positive thinking is a powerful thing, capable of completely changing your perception of any given situation. It’s also something you need to have if you want to keep a relationship healthy.

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What happens when independent people move in with their partners?

When independent people do finally move in with their partners, they do so after a lot of thoughtful consideration and discussion of how their cohabitation is going to work, giving the endeavor a firm basis for success. 7. They travel alone Traveling as a couple can be stressful, and some people just like traveling alone.

How do you make a long-term relationship work?

People in long-term relationships tend to forget this over time, and that’s why so many couples eventually break up because they believe the “spark” is gone. Make time to play together. Create an atmosphere of levity and positivity when you’re together. Speak lovingly to each other, always. Hug each other, cuddle, and hold hands.