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Can photographic memory be inherited?

Can photographic memory be inherited?

It depends on a slew of factors, including our genetics, brain development and experiences. It is difficult to disentangle memory abilities that appear early from those cultivated through interest and training.

How common is it to have a photographic memory?

The vast majority of the people who have been identified as possessing eidetic imagery are children. The prevalence estimates of the ability among preadolescents range from about 2 percent to 10 percent.

Can a photographic memory be developed?

While developing a photographic memory is impossible, you can train yourself to improve the memory you do have. You are more likely to benefit from training exercises that constantly challenge you (such as learning a new language) than from playing card games on your phone.

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Who has the best photographic memory in the world?

Akira Haraguchi holds the Guinness World Record for the most decimal places of pi recited by memory. His ability is self-attributed to a strong eidetic memory, though he uses a mnemonic device.

What’s the opposite of photographic memory?

What is the opposite of photographic memory?

absent-mindedness amnesia
forgetfulness hypomnesia
poor memory memory loss
preoccupation inattention
abstraction heedlessness

What part of the brain controls photographic memory?

posterior parietal cortex
Eidetic memory is controlled primarily by the posterior parietal cortex of the parietal lobe of the brain. This is the part of the brain through which visual stimuli are processed, and images retained.

Why do some people have a photographic memory and not others?

They don’t. No one has a photographic memory. What people do have, is the ability to remember certain things better than others, and some people have visual memory as a strength. Others have auditory, kinesthetic, verbal, oral, and a host of other types of memory talents.

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Do you have a photographic or eidetic memory?

However, while most people make some limited use of eidetic memory, photographic memory is rarer. There have been many studies into people who claim to have a photographic memory. Some of the most famous people to have impressive memories include Charles Darwin, Nikola Tesla, and Teddy Roosevelt.

Do some people have a better memory than others?

What people do have, is the ability to remember certain things better than others, and some people have visual memory as a strength. Others have auditory, kinesthetic, verbal, oral, and a host of other types of memory talents.

How long does a photographic memory last?

Most photographic memories only last a few months at most, as they are not relayed to long-term memory. With a photographic memory, the eidetic memory is transferred to the short-term memory banks for storage, allowing it to be recalled much later.