
How do you calculate the area of the Earth?

How do you calculate the area of the Earth?

Area of a Sphere To find the surface area of the Earth we have to use the formula of 4*Pi*radius squared. The radius of the Earth is approximately 6,371 kilometers.

What is the area of the Earth in cm2?

The Measure of Things – 1,489,400,000,000,000,000 square centimeters. How big is 1,489,400,000,000,000,000 square centimeters? The Earth has a land area of 1,489,400,000,000,000,000.000000000000000000000000 square centimeters.

What is the actual size of planet Earth?

3,958.8 mi

What is Sun’s area?


Observation data
Surface area 6.09×1012 km2 12,000 × Earth
Volume 1.41×1018 km3 1,300,000 × Earth
Mass 1.9885×1030 kg 332,950 Earths
Average density 1.408 g/cm3 0.255 × Earth
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What is the area of Jupiter?

23.71 billion mi²
Jupiter/Surface area

How much surface area does the earth have?


Surface area 510065623 km2 (196937438 sq mi) 148940000 km2 land (57510000 sq mi) 361132000 km2 water (139434000 sq mi)
Volume 1.08321×1012 km3 (2.59876×1011 cu mi)
Mass 5.97237×1024 kg (1.31668×1025 lb) (3.0×10−6 M☉)
Mean density 5.514 g/cm3 (0.1992 lb/cu in)

What is the size of each planet?

Planets In Order Of Size:

Planet Diameter (km) Size relative to Earth
Mercury 4879.4 38\% the size of Earth
Mars 6779 53\% the size of Earth
Venus 12104 95\% the size of Earth
Earth 12756 100\% the size of Earth

What is the size of Pluto?

738.38 mi

What is the size of Saturn?

36,184 mi