
Why do the white walkers change babies?

Why do the white walkers change babies?

So what is the meaning of all this? Well, according to the books, this is how “the others” procreate. Since they cannot make children of their own — being frozen zombies kind of makes that difficult — the walkers turn abandoned children into children of their own.

What did the White Walkers do with Crasters baby boys?

They’re been marching south under the orders of the Night King (we’ll get to him later), and they’re willing to destroy anyone who gets in their way. They aren’t indiscriminate, though: The Walkers created some sort of truce with Craster the wildling, who gave them his baby boys in return for being left in peace.

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Do the babies become White Walkers?

The baby becomes a White Walker. After being told by Morag that the baby will be a sacrifice for “the gods”, Karl orders Rast to leave the baby in the woods for the White Walkers to seize him.

What happens to the male babies in Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones fans will recall that episode four of season four ended with the reveal that the Night King has been converting the infant sons of Craster’s Keep into White Walkers.

How did the Night King turn Craster’s baby into a White Walker?

It’s there the child is placed on an altar and the Night King himself approaches, who then places a finger on the baby’s cheek, causing its eyes to turn into those of a White Walker. It’s clear from this scene the Night King took Craster’s sacrifices and turned them in more White Walkers for his army.

What happened to Craster’s son in Game of Thrones Season 4?

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In Game Of Thrones season 4 the last of Craster’s sons was born, after the Wildling had been slain during a mutiny by brothers of the Night’s Watch. This baby is left in the forest and later taken by a White Walker to the Lands of Always Winter.

Who are the White Walkers in Game of Thrones?

The White Walkers were often portrayed as a shadowy threat during early seasons, and it was revealed in season 3 that Wilding Craster gave up his male children – born of incestuous relationships with his own daughters – as sacrifices to the Walkers in exchange for being left in peace in the Haunted Forest.