Tips and tricks

Can we keep water in north east corner?

Can we keep water in north east corner?

Placing small water objects within the house in the north east section can bring in good momentums through money and positive energy flow. The form of an aquarium or a small water fountain (with water circulating through) is considered to be very auspicious.

How do you rectify north east cut?

This is why rectifying this Vastu defect is of utmost importance. Here is a quick guide for removing the defects caused by a cut in the northeast direction of a house: Place a large mirror in the affected zone so that the reflection creates a virtual extension of the northeast corner.

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How can I remove Vastu dosh of north east toilet?

Vatsu Remedy for Dosha

  1. Place 3 bronze bowls at the ceiling of toilet in upside-down position in North, East and North East part.
  2. Keep a plant that can absorb huge amount of negative energy such as spider plant.
  3. Keep a bowl filled with sea salt in toilet.
  4. Always make sure to keep the toilet door closed at all times.

What should be in north east corner?

The north eastern corner is the most auspicious place for your home. This particular corner depicts spiritual and religious aspects as it is the part where you should be placing your religious idols in. Now you know why having any other room in this spot is regarded as a Vastu dosha.

What should be kept in north east corner?

Is north East good for Vastu?

According to Vastu Shastra, east, north and north-east-facing homes are most auspicious. However, this is not the sole determinant for the entry of positive energy into your household. The north direction is dedicated to Kuber, the God of wealth and going by this logic, north-facing homes should have been most popular.

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What should be in north-east corner?

What is the right Vastu direction for the bathroom and toilet?

Another alternative is to keep the toilet doors locked at all hours. The right Vastu direction for the source of water and drainage in the bathroom and toilet is north, east, or north-east. The bathroom floor should slope in the same direction so that water drains in the same direction.

How to use yantras to cleanse your home of Vastu flaws?

Placing a North-East Direction Yantra in the house’s North-East zone will help to correct any Vastu flaws. This Yantra is highly successful and results-oriented. Placing a northeast toilet box to eliminate fear, fatigue, and negative energies.

Is a north-east direction yantra in the house a vastu mistake?

According to Vastu principles, a toilet in the northeast is a significant mistake that can exacerbate acute and consistent health issues. It causes discord and squabbles among family members and even couples. Placing a North-East Direction Yantra in the house’s North-East zone will help to correct any Vastu flaws.

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What are the Vastu tips for north east kitchen?

North-East Kitchen: Vastu Remedies and Tips. 1. Keep the gas stove in the South-East corner of present kitchen. 2. Keep the North-East portion of the kitchen empty, clean and clutter free. If possible, slope the building towards North-East corner. 3. If there is any window in North-East part then keep it open at all times.