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What is the best age for a man to have a child?

What is the best age for a man to have a child?

Men younger than 40 have a better chance of fathering a child than those older than 40. The quality of the sperm men produce seems to decline as they get older. Most men make millions of new sperm every day, but men older than 40 have fewer healthy sperm than younger men.

Is a 17 year old boy mature?

At age 17, your son is about to start the last stage of there adolescence, that phase between childhood and adulthood. But they are still growing — literally. Males keep getting taller into their early 20s. Here are some other things you can expect as your teen crosses the final threshold into manhood.

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How do I know if my boyfriend wants a baby?

If you are too afraid to ask, keep reading to see if he displays any of the following 20 signs that he might want a baby. . If he is eager to spread the news, he may want some good news of his own. If he seems excited about other people’s babies, he will be even more excited to have one with you. Photo by DarkWeasel94 Was this step helpful?

Does your man want a baby?

Men are human and softer than they seem, and most men do want a child or two (or more) in their life, sooner or later, so you might want to consider asking him outright if he wants children. If you are too afraid to ask, keep reading to see if he displays any of the following 20 signs that he might want a baby.

What does it mean when your boyfriend wants to buy a house?

If your boyfriend tells you that he wants to invest in a house or a car before having a baby, then it means he is already planning to settle down and start a family. When he does this, let him do what he wants and give your unrequited support if you want a future with him.

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How to deal with the “my boyfriend wants a baby” dilemma?

This is another tip to help you understand and deal with your “my boyfriend wants a baby” dilemma. He genuinely loves you dearly. The greatest validation of your love for one another is your marriage and your baby will be the one to unite you two and your families together.