
What to say when people say you are too young?

What to say when people say you are too young?

Here’s what our community shared with us:

  1. “Oh, thanks!
  2. “You’re too old to still be this naive!” – Eydís Á.
  3. “Some babies are born with heart or brain defects, etc.
  4. “Tell my illness that it came early to the party by 20 years!” – Kirst F.
  5. “My mom forgot to get the extended warranty when she had me.” – Tamara W.

Can you be too young for a job?

Yes. And, no. The federal law on point, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA”), prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of age, but only for people who are age 40 and above.

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How young is too young for a job?

As a general rule, the FLSA sets 14 years old as the minimum age for employment, and limits the number of hours worked by minors under the age of 16.

Is it OK to have a job at 15?

If you are 14 or 15 years old… Yes, 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds can legally work. You can’t work more than 18 hours in a school week. You also cannot work more than 3 hours per day on a school day. You’ll be happy to know that these times are extended during the summer and school holidays.

Should my 15 year old get a job?

By starting work when you’re 15, you will open yourself up to more opportunities and have a better chance of finding a job that you really enjoy. If you can find a job you enjoy at a young age, you can focus on becoming the best you can be at it and rise to the top when you’re still young.

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Can a 12 year old have a job?

Legally, 12-year-olds can’t work in traditional after-school jobs—such as supermarket cashier—that their slightly older peers are eligible for. But most preteens can handle many side jobs and other ways to earn money. The availability of some of these jobs varies by season, and there’s no set pay scale.

Is youthful a compliment?

“You look younger” is meant as a compliment. Young’s focus was on how people who work with the aged have been affected by negative messages about aging. It starts, she said, as soon as someone decides they’d like to work with older adults. Friends rarely react with enthusiasm.

What to say when someone thanks you for a job well done?

She includes a few scenarios, including: “For a job well done: [say] ‘Thank you. I was hoping this was what you were looking for, and I really like it too.’”. A response like this is warm, and it also shows that you’re confident enough to share that you’re proud of your work. 2. When Someone Thanks You.

How do you respond when someone asks how old you are?

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When the topic of your age comes up, you can often nip it in the bud by quickly guiding the conversation back to topics you’re comfortable with. For example, if at lunch an older co-worker brings up a television show that aired “before you were even born,” respond by refocusing the conversation on a current show everyone can chat about.

How do you respond to compliments in a funny way?

Funny and Clever Responses to Compliments. “You’re beautiful!”. “You’re handsome!”. “You’re sexy!”. “You’re brilliant!”. “You smell good.”. “You have a heart of gold.”. These are just some of the many compliments people tell one another on a daily basis.

What is a good response to thank you for your work?

A response like this is warm, and it also shows that you’re confident enough to share that you’re proud of your work. 2. When Someone Thanks You Of course, if someone acknowledges your efforts by saying, “Thanks for your great work!” you’re going to want to take another approach.