Why is there two spaces after a full stop?

Why is there two spaces after a full stop?

How two spaces evolved. If you learned to type on a typewriter before word processors became the norm, two spaces after a period was required and taught as correct. The extra space was needed to delineate the beginning of a new sentence because the spacing between words was uneven on a typewriter.

Why some people type with double space?

Proponents of double sentence spacing state that the extra space between sentences enhances readability by providing clearer breaks between sentences and making text appear more legible, particularly noting the very small visual difference between a dot and a comma.

Should space be given after full stop?

full stop or period is used after a complete sentence. Its used just after a sentence without space because we need to stop immediately after that sentence but we use a space after full stop and then start a new sentence because 1. It gives clarity to the paragraph.

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Are you supposed to double space after a period?

Unless you are typing on an actual typewriter, you no longer have to put two spaces after a period. Or a question mark. Or an exclamation point. The rule applies to all end punctuation.

Why double spaces are wrong?

Monospaced type gives you text that looks “loose” and uneven; there’s a lot of white space between characters and words, so it’s more difficult to spot the spaces between sentences immediately. Hence the adoption of the two-space rule–on a typewriter, an extra space after a sentence makes text easier to read.

When did we stop using 2 spaces after a period?

The two-space rule took hold in the early twentieth century and became the norm in many high school typing classes. Eventually, sophisticated typewriters and word processing software like Microsoft Word introduced proportional fonts, which made it easier to distinguish the period at end of a sentence as a full stop.

Why you should never double space after a period?

Monospaced type gives you text that looks “loose” and uneven; there’s a lot of white space between characters and words, so it’s more difficult to spot the spaces between sentences immediately. Because we’ve all switched to modern fonts, adding two spaces after a period no longer enhances readability, typographers say.

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Why do lawyers double space?

He explains that the use of two spaces between sentences derives from when everyone was writing on manual typewriters. Due to how typewriters handled proportionate spacing, it was easier to read typewritten documents which placed two periods between sentences.

Does Word automatically double space after periods?

Its verdict? Two spaces after a period is out. Word will now flag two spaces after a period with that dreaded Spellcheck-style squiggly line and suggest a single space to replace it, The Verge reports.

Is it okay to double space after a full stop?

Yes and no. Because it falls into style instead of grammar there isn’t a rule per se, but there is a standard, and the standard is to not double-space after a full stop. If you’re writing for you, it doesn’t make any difference how many spaces you put; you can put fifty if you really wanted to.

Why do people put a double space after a sentence?

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A double space after a sentence is a signature of a civilized mind. It has been a part of handwriting since before the typewriter existed. Hooligans have abandoned this sensible practice because they listen blindly to computer people.

Why do we put space after full stop in English?

— Space after full stop helps in preventing messing up of sentences & brings clarity in recognizing that the 2 sentences are different & not joined up. — It’s not mandatory to put space before full stop. — There should be a full stop after the completion of every sentence.

Why do we put two spaces after periods?

Putting two spaces after a period (or “full stop”) does, as others have said, date back to the typewriter and that mostly awful courier font. Two spaces were necessary because typewriters couldn’t “kern” the spaces between the letters – it was one-size fits all.