What does crowding of magnetic field lines?

What does crowding of magnetic field lines?

(iii) The crowding of magnetic field lines in a given region indicates that the Strength of magnetic field is higher in that region.

Where are the field lines more crowded?

magnetic field lines are more crowded towards the pole of the magnet because in magnetic effect is more or the magnetic field lines are very strong towards the pole of a magnet.

What do lines field lines that are close together represent?

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Areas in which neighboring field lines are converging (getting closer together) indicates that the field is getting stronger in that direction.

What does spacing between field lines show?

Electric field lines reveal information about the direction (and the strength) of an electric field within a region of space. If the lines cross each other at a given location, then there must be two distinctly different values of electric field with their own individual direction at that given location.

What does the crowding of magnetic field lines indicate what is the direction of magnetic field lines outside a bar magnet?

North pole to south pole is the direction of magnetic field lines outside a bar-magnet. The strongest external magnetic fields are near the poles. A magnetic north pole will attract the south pole of another magnet, and repel a north pole.

What does crowding of magnetic field lines indicate CBSE 2010 2011?

Answer: Crowding of magnetic field lines indicates that magnetic field in that region is strong.

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Why are the magnetic field lines more concentrated at two poles?

The magnetic lines of force flow from pole to pole just like in the bar magnet. However, since the poles are located closer together and a more direct path exists for the lines of flux to travel between the poles, the magnetic field is concentrated between the poles.

Why magnetic field lines called closed curves?

Magnetic field lines are closed curve because for a magnet there are no monopoles i.e., a magnet always has two poles (north pole and south pole) even if it is cut from anywhere between. Therefore, magnetic field lines always form closed loops.

What do field lines represent?

An electric field can be visualized by drawing field lines, which indicate both the magnitude and direction of the field. Field lines start on positive charges and end on negative charges. The direction of the field line at a point is the direction of the field at that point.

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How do field lines reveal the magnitude of the field?

This field line density is drawn to be proportional to the magnitude of the field at that cross-section. As a result, if the field lines are close together (that is, the field line density is greater), this indicates that the magnitude of the field is large at that point.

What does the direction of magnetic field lines indicate?

Magnetic field lines are defined to have the direction that a small compass points when placed at a location. (a) If small compasses are used to map the magnetic field around a bar magnet, they will point in the directions shown: away from the north pole of the magnet, toward the south pole of the magnet.