
Can you have two commands in a button tkinter?

Can you have two commands in a button tkinter?

The Tkinter button has only one command property so that multiple commands or functions should be wrapped to one function that is bound to this command .

How do I bind the Enter key to a function in tkinter?

We can bind the key event using the Binding method in a tkinter application. Whenever the key will be triggered, it will call a handler that will raise the specific operation for the key event. If we want to trigger the Enter key with the bind function, we will use the bind(”, Handler) method.

How do you bind in tkinter?

Tkinter event binding examples

  1. import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk def return_pressed(event): print(‘Return key pressed.’)
  2. btn.bind(”, return_pressed)
  3. import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk def return_pressed(event): print(‘Return key pressed.’)
  4. btn.bind(”, log, add=’+’)

How do I use the tkinter button in Python?

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  1. #python application to create a simple button.
  2. from tkinter import *
  3. top = Tk()
  4. top.geometry(“200×100”)
  5. b = Button(top,text = “Simple”)
  6. b.pack()
  7. top.mainaloop()

How do you bind multiple keys in Python?

2 Answers. In tkinter you can put string with all keys “w” and you can do: press space, (release space or not), press w and it will run function. By just adding the and, I was able to bind this Text entry box to both the tab and enter keys. I suppose if you wanted each key to run a different function, you could.

How do I close one window and open another tkinter?


  1. Import tkinter module.
  2. Create a main window named root.
  3. Add a button.
  4. Assign root. quit to the command attribute of that button.
  5. Add exit() function after calling the mainloop.

What is bind function in Python?

The bind() method of Python’s socket class assigns an IP address and a port number to a socket instance. The bind() method is used when a socket needs to be made a server socket. As server programs listen on published ports, it is required that a port and the IP address to be assigned explicitly to a server socket.

How does the bind function work in Python?

In Tkinter, bind is defined as a Tkinter function for binding events which may occur by initiating the code written in the program and to handle such events occurring in the program are handled by the binding function where Python provides a binding function known as bind() where it can bind any Python methods and …

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How do you make a pygame button?

How to make Buttons in pygame

  1. create a basic window.
  2. create a class for the Button.
  3. render the text to show on the button.
  4. create a surface with the size of the text.
  5. give the surface a color (or an image as background…
  6. blit the text on the surface.
  7. create a method to change the text of the butto (when you click for example)

How do you check if a button is pressed in Python?

Here, we are using three methods to detect keypress in Python read_key() , is_pressed() and on_press_key() . The read_key() will read which key a user has pressed on the keyboard, and if it’s that key which you wanted, in this case, p , it will print the message You pressed p .

How do I close tkinter in Windows?

To close a tkinter window, we can use the destroy() method. The destroy() is a universal widget method i.e we can use this method with any of the available widgets as well as with the main tkinter window.

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How to bind a keyboard key to a Tkinter button?

How to bind a keyboard key to a tkinter button. There are two ways to share a function between a bind keypress a command button. Method 1: Use an optional event parameter. As you have already discovered yourself, you can use an optional event parameter that you don’t depend on.

How to bind callback function to enter key pressing event in Tkinter?

We bind the callback function to the event, or in other words, Enter key pressing event. This class implementation is similar to the above method. We put the keysym attribute of the event object in the shown Tkinter label.

How to run function in Tkinter?

2 Answers 2 ActiveOldestVotes 3 In tkinteryou can put string with all keys ” w”and you can do: press space, (release space or not), press wand it will run function. import tkinter as tk def test(event): print(‘test’) root = tk.Tk() root.bind(‘ w’, test) root.mainloop()

How to bind a function to an event in Python?

The Enter key pressing is an event, like button clicking, and we could bind functions or methods to this event to make the event trigger the specified function. Python. python Copy. widget.bind(event, handler) If the event occurs, it will trigger the handler automatically.