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Is being a medical student hard?

Is being a medical student hard?

Nevertheless, though most medical students perform exceedingly well in their undergraduate courses and achieve stellar college GPAs, many students discover that medical school courses are much more rigorous than college courses. “Most medical schools expect their students to work 60-80 hours a week every week.”

Do you have to be smart to do medicine?

She explains: ‘Medicine is definitely a step up from A levels, but if you were smart enough to meet the entry requirements, then you’re smart enough to pass the course as long as you put the effort in. At medical school, you’re still given a syllabus but it’s not as defined.

What IQ is required to be a doctor?

The majority of practicing physician’s probably have IQ scores between 125 and 135. A noticeable portion will have IQ scores of 135+. A smaller percentage will have IQ scores between 120 and 125.

Do you compare yourself to other medical students?

Medical students represent an extremely limited selection of people your age and they will tend to be both very capable and hard working. This can sometimes result in you feeling rather demoralised when comparing yourself to other medics, especially as you will tend to notice the ones working harder than you more than the rest.

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Are You struggling academically in medical school?

Medical school is one of the most rigorous educational paths out there. Many students find themselves struggling academically for the first time in their lives. What if this happens to you? “Ask for help,” Dr. Sujka says. “It’s very easy to think you can do it all on your own.” But he warns against this.

What is it like to be a medical student?

There are plenty of off-putting myths about being a medical student, but in reality it’s enjoyable, interesting and highly rewarding, especially in light of what you’re working towards.

How smart are medical doctors?

How Smart are Medical Doctors? An interesting study published by the University of Wisconsin suggests that doctors (M.D or equiv O.D, dents, etc) have the highest IQ on average. Though I’m not a huge supporter of IQ tests but I would say that most doctors are somewhat smart.